Llama!Llama! Llama! Pissed off Mama!

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Bill's p.o.v.
It was all quiet in the mystery shack. No one said anything but I can't blame them especially after what happened with Chaos yesterday. The one thing that was bugging me was how her sign changed to a skeleton cat head. That symbol was that of destruction. So why-
    A loud voice rang out just as the door of the shack slammed open revealing a very angry blonde. Otherwise known as Pacifica Pines, I over heard Fez call her when everyone was asleep and she was steaming mad. I'm not surprised that she got her so fast.
"P-Pacifica!" Pinetree stutters as he got out of his seat as she march forward towards him.
"What are you doing here?!" Pinetree was really doing himself in this time and I didn't even have to lift a finger.
"What I'm doing here doesn't matter! What does is what you pulled with Kai!"
"How could you blame her Dipper! It wasn't even her fault! Mable made her choice and she saved our little girl!"
"You knew that she made a deal!"
"Yeah I did and I respected her decision and I told you because I thought you would too!"
    As the argument continued I couldn't help but notice a chill in the room. But nothing seemed to be out of place. Everyone else in the room just watch the two go at it not noticing me go outside. It was chilly like ice had covered my skin but the sun was shining brightly as it always does. I then caught sight of something that looked like black wisp.
"What was-" I jumped as a crash was heard and the door behind me slammed open. Llama sat down on the sofa that was on the porch.
"Stupid Dipper." She muttered.
"Ya know llama, getting frustrated will get ya even more wrinkles than ya have now."
    She panicked a bit when she saw me until she stood up and looked at me with curiosity held in her eyes.
"B-bill? No way is that you?"
"Who else could it be?" I stated while rolling my eyes. Her body language stated that she was nervous but then again everyone was when they meet me.
"Thank you."
    Llama who was just angry not even a minute ago is now calm and looking out into the forest with a peaceful look on her face. The same look that Chaos has when she's calm.
"I mean for taking care of Krista, Bill. She told me all the things that have happened to her on the phone ever single time something happens. When she told me about you, she was happy and energetic that I had no idea what to think."
"She takes after you in that department I guess." Llama looks over at me as I stared back at her.
"And what would that be?"
"You both are extremely stubborn." This caused llama to laugh. As she laughs I see Chaos take her place, but soon fades away as it appears. Llama stopped laughing as she gave me a small sad smile before going to talk again.
"Bill-!" She was cut off by a something loud that landed in front of the shack.
"What the-?!"
    In front of me was a black wispy creature with 4 red glowing eyes and sharp teeth. It was half the size of the shack and yet I felt even more similar energies all over the boundaries of the town and some even in it.
"Damn it!" I said so that only I could hear it.
I grabbed llama and pushed her into the house just as the other occupants decided to come to see what the fuss was about. I slammed the door after I entered and saw the shadow beast standing still before slumping to the ground like a dog. Was it keeping us under watch? Could Krista have made them? How?
"Hey Demon! What the hell is going on!?" Sixer yelled at me.
"Trust me if I knew you would've been the last one I told." I mutter so he wouldn't hear me.
"Cipher, that thing outside was it..."
"I don't know Shark but if Chaos did than we're in a whole lot of trouble."
All was quiet as silence settled in the tense atmosphere. The tv was turned on and everyone but me looked since I knew what was happening already. Krista had somehow summon the Devil Hounds, and made them watch and monitor us as well as the town. The Devil Hounds were something not to mess around with yet if she was able to then she's farther in the dark than I thought.
"Damn it Chaos. Just what the hell are you thinking!?"

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