Back to the Falls part 3

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"...who are you?"
    The boy seems to be taken off guard but quickly gains his composure back as he introduces himself.
"The names Bill Cipher."
"Seriously!?," he seemed shock that I had no idea who he was, " the master of the mind! The one who almost accomplished Weirdmageddon!"
He was up in my face while I shook my head to decline any claim of hearing about him.
"Geez kid you think old Pine Tree would tell ya something? Guess he got dumber over the years that I've been trapped."
'Pine Tree? Wait dad did tell me something like that before we got here.'
"Dad when are we gonna get there? All I've been seeing for the last hour are more and more Pine trees."
"Krista," I looked away from the window and at him; he had a serious look on his face, " if someone says Pine tree like referring to a person, what ever you do, don't get near them or make a deal you hear me."
    I nodded my head before he turned away from me leaving me confused.
~Flashback Ends
'I guess I know why now.'
    I got to my feet before walking away from the guy, Bill, yet he noticed I was walking away. I heard a snap of fingers before I couldn't move my feet anymore. When I looked to see I saw blue chains around my ankles while they dug into the ground.
"Now now that wasn't very nice."
It was the same voice from before when I was back at the shack, but it belonged to the floating triangle that was in front of me. The one from the book.
"You have got to be kidding me? This is him this is the so-called Dream Demon Bill Cipher." I thought as a clenched my fists.
"That's me kid. So glad you heard of me or should I say read about."
"Yeah so what. Am I to say that the boy that was just here just an illusion of yours then?!"
"You catch on pretty quickly don't cha kid. But your wrong about the boy being an illusion. That was actually one of my forms that I have."
"So if you're so evil then why did you stop that thing and help me! You could have let it kill me but you didn't, why?"
"Two things. One: I was paying back, which I rarely do kid, a favor since you set me free. Two: I want to make a deal."
"Hypothetically speaking, if I were to do the deal what would you gain."
"Man kid you sure aren't like your father are you. All I want from you is to not cause me any trouble like Pine tree."
"Fine but anything that I'm willing to protect, you can't harm. Deal?"
'Sorry dad looks like I'm breaking that promise, but then again...'
"Fine kid ya got yourself a deal."
I shook his hand and the deal was done. I smirked while he looked confused but neither of us voiced anything until I walked away.
"There's one thing you should know about me. My name Krista means chaos bringer(note:I know it doesn't but only in here okay)
So I can't promise to not get into trouble, just yours."
When I got back to the shack, I didn't see anyone so I went up to the room I was staying in. No signs of my Grunkles or dad or Andy either. It was about 3 o'clock when I found a note saying that they be back in a couple hours.
'Typical, they left me behind again.'
I got the journal out and started to read. I had gotten about a quarter through when my phone went off. I had gotten a text from Midnight.

M: Help being chased by rapid dog
M: In the forest. Come now

I went outside to see if their was anything I could use. There was nothing in the front so I headed to the back to spot a go race car faded blue. I pushed all the stuff on top of it and begin to fix it up a bit.
'Thank you Allen.'
After I got it to a semi working condition I went back inside and grabbed the journal then out back to the race car. A familiar triangle that I saw not even 3 hours ago appeared in front of me before I made it to the race car.
"Geez kid not even 3 hours apart and already doing something that could get ya killed. You only meet this girl this morning and now you're willing to risk everything just for her?"
I pushed past him and got inside the race car. I hot wired it which made the car jolt to life. I didn't look at Bill as I did any of this.
"I don't expect you to understand but I will never abandon anyone that's precious to me. So either get out of my way or come with me!"
"Geez kid look like I got no choice." I heard fingers snapping and I turn to see that Bill was gone but right then I didn't care so I turned on the engine and speeded straight into the forest where Midnight was waiting.
What I didn't notice was that golden triangle shape earrings now hung from each ear.

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