Chapter 11

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The sun was beginning to go down.

Maybe 4 o'clock pm?

"Well, since we know how well you did with your fire sneezes, why don't i try teaching you some basic Runic Magic?" Havolynne said, mostly directing it to Colin.

" do we start?" Colin questioned.

"Well let's try something from First Circle, that includes: Create Food, Light, Magic Arrow, Resist Blows, and Stealth." Havolynne stated. "Try doing one of those."

Light, Colin thought. It stuck into his head. He thought about last night. He thought about light.

Instantly, the Camp site got brighter.

He did it.

Connor thought about food. Dinner was coming up soon so it wasn't that hard.

A piece of cheese was in his hand."Cheese, REALLY!?!" Connor exclaimed.

"EWWW you're so cheesy Connor!" Colin teased.

"Hey, at least it's a start," Havolynne shrugged, smiling.

"What are the other Circles, Havolynne?" Colin said anxiously. The higher Circle he gets from Connor, the better.

"Um, let's see...

-Circle 1: Create Food, Light, Magic Arrow, Resist Blows, and Stealth

-Circle 2: Cause Fear, Detect Monster, Lesser Heal, Rune of Warding, and Slow Fall

-Circle 3: Conceal, Lightning, Night Vision, Speed, and Strength

-Circle 4: Heal, Levitate, Poison, Remove Trap, and Resist Fire

-Circle 5: Cure Poison, Fireball, Missile Protection, Name Enchantment, and Open

-Circle 6: Daylight, Gate Travel, Greater Heal, Paralyze, and Telekinesis

-Circle 7: Ally, Confusion, Invisibilty, Fly, and Reveal

-Circle 8: Flame Wind, Freeze Time, Iron Flesh, Roaring Sight, and Tremor, " Havolynne listed.

Millions of thought went through Colin's head. Slow Fall? That would've came in handy. Lightning? I'm SO trying that. Invisiblity? That explains a lot.

"You have to learn all of the Runes per Circle before advancing to the next one," Havolynne explained.

Connor tried it out. He had already made cheese. Great, I'm going to best friends with that mouse in English class, he thought. He shook that out of his head. Now he needed to create Light, a Magic Arrow, Resist Blows, and Stealth. I'll work on Stealth, he thought.

Colin tried making blackberries from the "Create Food" Rune. At the first try, it didn't work.

"Magic is tied with emotions. The stronger your emotions are, the stronger your magic will be." Havolynne advised.


Colin thought about the blackberry bush. He thought about how much he enjoyed blackberries....

And he got a Blackberry.

Havolynne left the boys to practice their Runes. They were trying to Resist eachother's blows.... with little success. She slipped away quietly to the stream.

Colin and Connor didn't notice.

The water was cool and crisp. Definitely refreshing. Havolynne sipped a handful of water. Faeries were dancing along the water's surface. Havolynne sat in awe. It's been a while since she's seen faeries.

Suddenly the faeries fled.

A dark reflection in the water took their place.

"Who are you!?! What do you want!" Havolynne screamed. She bent some water from stream around her.

"Ah. little Havolynne. Always a temper huh? No need to be fiesty. You know what I desire." The figure said with a raspy voice, trying to mask their voice.

"No, i don't know what you want! Leave me alone!" She yelled and forced all the water on the dark figure.

Something grabbed her and held her up by the neck, choking her in midair.

"Never," it hissed.

It dropped her and she fell to the ground.

It was gone.

Havolynne sat and pulled her knees to her chest tightly and sobbed. She really didn't know what it wanted, but she had a guess on what it did.

Colin and Connor.

The Magic WorldOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora