Chapter 1

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Havolynne looked around her nearly empty room. The walls were white, the sheets were dull, and the room simply lacked color.

Tired of the boring space, Havolynne went to the small living room to say goodbye to her grandmother and father.

See, Havolynne lived with them because:

-One, Her mother had left her as a child, and never returned.


-Two, Her grandfather had died a while back, leaving her grandmother lonely, until Havolynne offered for her to stay with them.

"Bye Grandma, Bye Dad!" Havolynne called.

"Bye dear!" her Grandmother said back, while her father was busy with paperwork, and hardly even nodded his head in acknowledgement.


Havolynne went to the bus stop, and waited for the school bus to come, and take her to the one place that could make her happy, or sad.


The morning seemed like every other. The cold night left a chill in the air, since it was early fall, and leaves had begun to turn.

It wasn't officially Fall yet, since the Fall Equinox was still more than a week away.


School was bustling with hyper teenagers, who had gotten coffee and were already on sugar highs.

People and their addictions to Starbucks.

There was a Starbucks, in fact, right acrossed the lane from the school, and every morning, especially Mondays, it was full. Most people were late to school those days, for the lines were large.

And this day was no different.

Everyone was in their little groups of friends, while Havolynne just sat by her classroom, waiting for only one part of the day, the part when THEY came.

Sure she had friends, but when those certain people were there, everything seemed to be different.

Sure, maybe at first she may have liked them, but after what had happened recently, Havolynne went on well, full-on protective mode.

Hey, she got protective okay?

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