Once I was in my seat and the invigilator had handed me the paper, all I wanted to do was to hand it back.

The exam was going well until I got stuck on an equilibrium question. All because of Ibrahim. If he hadn't called me, I would've revised equilibrium as well. I did end up solving the question but it took me twenty minutes, leaving me no time for the multiple choice questions.

Knowing that there was no other option, without even reading the MCQS I began ticking the options in the order of a, b, c.
I had in mind that I might at least get a few right.

I had just ticked the last question when the invigilator snatched the exam paper from me.

I walked out of the hall happy that I had at least attempted all the questions because most of the students were complaining about how there wasn't enough time.

I was strolling towards the exit when I noticed something strange. Whenever I had to pass by a boy, he would just stop walking and turn around to face the wall. It was so pathetic. I really couldn't understand why they were doing it but whenever I came across a boy he would stop walking and turn around to face the wall until I had walked away.

I instantly knew that it had something to do with Nathan. I spotted him near the exit door and called out to him. "Nathan!"

As soon as he heard my voice, he froze and just like the others, turned away from me to face the wall.

"What on earth is wrong with you people?" I asked in an irritated voice.

He didn't reply and kept on looking away from me.

This annoyed me beyond explanation. "Would you please explain what you and the other boys are doing?"

"No! Please don't talk to me. Zeyara will kill me." He hushed in panic before running off.

I stood there dumbfounded, staring at him running away. I had no idea what was going on. Why were they all so scared of Zeyara? What did he do to them?

In my state of confusion I walked out of the college and boarded the bus to go back home. It was still half past two so I had a few hours before someone would come and take me to baba.

I wanted to make a few dishes for Marwa and Uncle Sueliman and leave them in the refrigerator so that Uncle doesn't have to start cooking again. He used to do it before I came here but I don't want him to do it again. He is too old for it now. He deserves rest.

I made meatballs, lentil soup and boiled a few cups of rice with chick peas. I was just stuffing them all in the refrigerator when I hear Marwa's loud "Assalam o alaikum!"

"Walaikum Salam." I replied back. She came running to the kitchen when she heard me.

"Metal you're going?" She asked with sadness etched on her face.

"I'm just going to bring your brother back so that we may tease him together." I said as I walked to her and kneeled on the floor to reach her eye level.

She rubbed her chin with her thumb showing that she was in deep thought. "Okay!" She exclaimed. "I'll let you go then but don't come back without sheikh. I miss him." She whispered the last part with her head hanging low.

I smiled at her cuteness and pecked her on her cheek. "In sha Allah he will be back."

"Yeah and then you can buy kids from the hospital and I'll teach them football!" She jumped in excitement while my cheeks reddened.

I sat down with Marwa to have lunch while the clock indicated the time to be three thirty.
I had just half an hour left.
I wanted to meet Minahil before leaving. She needs a lot of emotional support after what she has gone through. I asked Marwa to help me stack the dishes in the dish washer to save time.

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