"You're here... Wait? How did you know where I lived?" I asked curiously.

"A little birdie told us, pointing to the car that was now just leaving the driveway." Louis laughed.


"Sara get up!" Sara stayed at my house last night; I guess it's bad luck to be with the groom the night before the wedding or something like that. We had 2 hours till we had to be at the garden. The boys decided to stay in the hotel a few minutes away from the garden, knowing that they don't wanna be around a whole bunch of ladies getting ready for a wedding, well Harry wanted to stay, but Louis had to drag him out of the house. Literally, drag! I was on Twitter while I made Sara and the rest of the girls breakfast.

Weddings. #stressful #fun. xx

I posted this to Twitter before people started tweeting me about whose wedding it was. I didn't have time to respond, even though they were desperate for answers.

Sara came into the kitchen groggy and tired, "You excited for the big day!?" I asked her smiling, she smiled and nodded. She looked scared but their was excitement in the eyes.

After breakfast we changed and hopped in the limo and were off to the garden. Sara was a little stressed but I was happy, it was a beautiful day, a garden wedding in the spring. Perfect.

"Maddie do you have your talk ready?" One of her friends asked me, actually I didn't. I was to hyped up on the wedding that I didn't have time to think about what I was going to say.

"Er. Kinda. No. I'll wing it!" They all looked at me with blank stares. "I'll be fine! I have somethings in mind." We got to the garden and hopped out of the car, the wedding ceremony started in forty-five minutes. We got to our places as we watched the people come into the garden. I spotted the boys standing their awkwardly with Eric, the best man (DUH!) talking and looking over at me every once in awhile. Strange men.

The ceremony was almost done, I was getting hot in this dress just standing there.

"Mitchell, do you take Sara to be your lawful wedded wife? To cherish and to hold..." I got thinking about life as a married couple, thinking about Liam actually. I shouldn't be thinking about that!

"I do!" I heard Mitch say.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!" People started clapping and smiling, Louis had my camera and took photo's of the happy newly weds. Next up the reception. AH GREAT!

The sun was beating down on us now, as we stood under the white tent. Many people got up to share a toast and talked about Mitch's old frat boy days. Those were pretty hilarious. Everyone's stories were lovely though, talking about how happy Sara makes my brother. I forgot all the fond memories of them. I missed them, they were the only family I had. My aunts and uncles were at the wedding, including my cousins. They were shocked that I brought One Direction with me, but hey it's not my fault my brother invited them.

"Maddie?" Mitch nudged my shoulder.

"Huh? Oh right. My turn." I bit my lip as I walked up to the microphone. I looked at my brother who was smiling like an idiot, what was I supposed to say? I took a deep breath-

"Well first off, congratulations. After five whole years you finally got the balls to propose!" Fits of laughter filled the room, "Anyways, Mitchell, I grew up with you all my life, you were everything to me, one of the best brothers I could ever ask for. I once thought to myself about how you were so gross and never thought you'd get a girlfriend... Let alone get married. I was the pesky little sister who annoyed the shit out of you. Telling you that no one would like you because you were a mean big brother. But look at you now, sitting there happily next to your new wife. I remember a few years ago that you said you were going to marry someone very special. Someone mom and dad would approve of, someone we all approved of. Bringing Sara into our lives has been such a huge impact. We love you Sara and I can honestly say that for my parents as well. You were family from the day we met you. Sara, you have made my brother so happy, especially over last six months, I know it has been hard getting this wedding together, but look at him, he wouldn't be here without you. My parents raised a great son." The tears made it hard for me to see the couple, "Mitch, I know mom, dad and Eva wanted to be here today, but they are, they are looking down on you right now, they are so happy! Please never forget that. Eva and I always talked about being aunts, hell look where that put us. Sara is pregnant, with your kid. Your own little Mitchell. You will be great parents. You are so wise and kind hearted. You helped raise me which makes me think that you'd be an amazing father. Mitchell, mom and dad love you. I love you! A toast to the happy couple!" I ended in a rush knowing I would be bawling after another sentence. I took a small sip of champagne, and proceeded back to my table where I was sitting with the boys.

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