Life in Pictures

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I couldn't believe my eyes, Danielle sitting on the bed with Liam. Close to his face. Did they just kiss? I never thought Danielle being that type of person. She seemed so sweet. I looked at Liam's confused face then at Danielle, "Sorry to interrupt." I stated bolting from the doorway. Tears started coming down my cheeks fast, I've never have felt his way before. Never been cheated on. Liam said something from the room but I didn't look at him, just kept running. I ran outside, still with my camera and sat in the backyard, near the green trees. I sat there for a long time just taking pictures trying to get my thoughts together. Sure Liam wouldn't do that to me. Right? He doesn't seem like that type of person. But the look on his face... He looked confused.

"Maddie?" I took a photo and turned around.

"Hi Lou." I tried to smile, the tears slowly went away.

"You okay?" I looked down at my camera around my neck.

"Yeah." I wasn't though.

"You don't have to lie to me like that. Somethings up. What happened, first I heard you drop the s-word than you bolted." I tried to gather up what I was going to say.

"I walked in on Danielle kissing Liam." The tears filled my eyes again. Louis pulled me in for a hug,

"Maddie calm down, we didn't even know she was at the house." I smelled Louis's hair, delicious."I sniffled and pulled away.

"Oh." He lifted my chin, "I'm sure everything's going to be okay." He tried to cheer me up.

"Yeah me to."

Louis left as I just sat there looking into the forest. Too scared to go in though. I got a text,

"Hey Madz! So we sent in some photos of yours. You will be getting a call soon! :) miss you tons sis!"

I smiled, Eric can always make me smile. My phone rang 5 minutes later.


"Hi! Is this Maddie?" I looked at my phone, unknown number.

"Yeah this is she. You are?" She chuckled on the other line.

"This is Rebecka. I'm with the professional photography in London. Your brothers sent in some photos. You would have great potential here." I smiled.

"Oh. Well thanks! But I do it for fun!" Why did I say that.

"Oh well. Our photographer is out sick, and we were wondering if you could fill in?" I smiled like an idiot, did some professional photographer just ask me to take photos!?

"Yeah! That sounds great!" I said over-excitedly.

"Thanks! Uh I'll give you the address and time. Tomorrow! It's very important!"

"Okay thanks! See you then!" I wrote down the address and saved it in my notes and got up.


I don't think Danielle meant to kiss me. Did she? The look on Maddie's face replayed in my head, she was ignoring me. I felt horrible! She slept in Louis's room, not knowing how to deal with the situation. I walked downstairs to the kitchen the next day, we had a photoshoot later. Not really pumped for that at the moment. But something to pass the time. Maddie left early, probably on her morning run, or ran her brothers to the airport. Louis told me that her brothers had to leave early, maybe that's why she was even more upset. They were the only family she had.

I woke up everyone and left in an hour. It took about a couple hours to get where we were going, somewhere out in the country. Louis (for some odd reason) would not stop smiling. Than again he never does. But when we pulled up to the site he hopped out.

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