Chapter 10

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I didn't understand why she'd been fired. It wasn't fair, she worked so hard and helped the children. It was only her second day working there, how had they gotten rid of her so quickly?

L- I don't understand you, why would they fire you?

M- so they could rehire me

I was very confused why would they fire then rehire her. Her expressionless face lit up with excitement and glee as if she'd been trying to surprise me with this news. Was I meant to know what was happening?

L- could you please explain

M- I shouldn't have to, you should already know since you're the one that made it happen

L- I did?

M- is your email ?

I never thought she would find out the name of my email, I made it in high school when I was missing her and I'd lost connections with Riley. The nicknames she gave me were special, I wish she'd give them to me more often.

L- oh no you found out my email address

M- I did because you sent my work to my manager didn't you

L- oh that, I've been checking all day to see if they'd reply

M- well they came up to me whilst I was teaching the school children and they offered me a new job as their new young artist. They said my talent was being wasted teaching so I should be able to sell two pieces to them every month, it brings in more money and I can either work from home or use one of their art studios

I was so happy that she'd gone up in the artist world and that she was finally going to be recognised. I knew she loved teaching but this would be so much better for her.

M- thank you Lucas, for sending in my art

L- your welcome, it was hard trying to take photos of them without you finding out

M- is that what you were doing yesterday?

L- yeah but then you came in and disturbed me

M- if I hadn't have disturbed you I wouldn't be your girlfriend and I wouldn't be able to do this

She wrapped her arms around my neck and brought her lips to mine giving me a passionate kiss. I couldn't wish for anything more right now.

Work Of Art - Lucaya Where stories live. Discover now