Chapter 7

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We went home and got into our pyjamas and chose a movie to watch. I let her choose being the gentleman I am, whilst I rang the local pizza place to get some food. I looked over at what movie she had chosen,

L- no,  not mean girls

M- why not? It's like the best movie ever made

L- it's a girls movie, can't we watch something else, I'll even watch a Disney movie

M- no, you shouldn't assign genders to movies, you said I could choose

L- fine, but I choose next time

The put the DVD into the television and walked over to me then sat on my knee. She wrapped her arms around my neck and snuggled into my chest.

M- is it okay if I sit like this?

L- of course, if it's okay if I do this

I put his hand under her chin and lifted her face so that we were looking into each other's eyes. I was finally going to kiss her, I never actually kissed her in 10th grade, this was going to be my moment. She looked at me then down at my lips and started to lean in, I did the same until there was a knock on the door. Really? Couldn't they have waited a few minutes. She jumped up from my lap and paid the pizza man then sat next to me on the sofa acting as if nothing had happened.

M- what pizza did you order?

L- half Hawaiian, half pepperoni, I know you can never decide

M- you remembered, thank you

There was no talk about our almost kiss, we just watched the movie and ate our pizza. After a while she got tired and snuggled into my shoulder so I put my arm around her. I took any chance I got to be close with her, I didn't want to lose her again.

Work Of Art - Lucaya Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt