Chapter 8

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I woke up the next morning on the sofa, similar to the to the first night she stayed, we must have fallen asleep watching the movie because the television was till on.  I got up to turn the television off, waking Maya in the process.

M- Lucas, it's too early can we go back to sleep

L- no come on get up

M- what time is it?

L- I actually don't know

I went over to the kitchen to get my phone to see what time it was. It was only 6:30am so we could go back to bed. But I wasn't going to tell her that.

L- it's 11:00am, you were meant  to be at the at the art gallery half an hour ago

M- what?! Ugh, how could you let me sleep in. I got to go get ready

L- no you don't

M- yes I do, it's my first day and I'm already late

L- I was joking with you, it's 6:30am

M- ugh I hate you! why would you joke like that? I'm the one around here who does things like that, not you

L- sorry, we can go back to bed for an hour if you want and you don't hate me do you?

M- no I don't,  what time is your college?

L- classes start at 9:30am so I'll leave about 9

I hadn't been to college since Maya had been staying with me, I told them I had family over that I barely got to see so they just sent me the work I missed. I was studying veterinary science as I wanted to be a vet.

We went to bed and cuddled for a little bit, I liked us both liking each other. I didn't need her to be my girlfriend or any particular label. We were us and that's what I liked.

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