Chapter 9

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I got back from college at 4pm then waited for Maya to get home. I'd been quite nervous for her all day at her first day of work but at least she was doing something that she loved.

When she eventually arrived home she had a beaming smile on her face, she looked happier than when she found out that she had gotten the job. She ran over and gave me a big hug.

M- thank you so much for helping me get the job

L- so I'm going to assume you like it

M- like it I love it, the kids were amazing, I'm pretty sure some of them were better than me

L- I doubt it your amazing

M- I'm looking forward to tomorrow, we have a school group coming in to look at the exhibition that I was telling you about this morning, so how was college?

L- just the same as always, it's quite boring but if I'm going to be a vet I've got to go

I cooked dinner for us both whilst she worked on some of her artwork. The kids must have been really inspiring for her as her work kept getting better and better, if only the art gallery could see it.

So that's what I decided to do, when she was busy concentrating I took pictures of some of her older work and sent them to the art gallery hoping that they'd appreciate them as much as I did. I wasn't going to tell Maya because she'd try to stop me but her work deserved more people to see it. She walked over to where I was looking at the paintings

M- what are you doing?

L- just looking at your work

M- you've seen them before

L- I know but they're beautiful, like you

M- oh stop, you're making me blush

I stepped closer to her and kissed her for the first time. I had been waiting to do this for so long, it was just as good as I would of thought it would be, she kissed back then after a few seconds she looked me in the eyes.

M- I love you too

L- what, wait, really?

M- yes, I was too scared the other day but Im no good at lying to you or myself

L- so does this mean...

M- yes I'll be your girlfriend

Work Of Art - Lucaya Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt