Chapter 18 - Just Call Me Rapunzel

Start from the beginning

"I don't know, Sam, but don't you think it's worth a try?" Hadley points out.

"Yes, I guess you're right," I say. "Let's just go get it over with."

"Alright," Hadley says, opening the garage door for me. I step out and down the steps and she follows behind me, making sure everything gets locked up. I climb into the passenger seat of her car and feel my heart rate soar. I hope I don't pass out before we get there. I wasn't scared before, but I am now.

"Alright, sweets," Hadley says, climbing into the car. "Let's get going. How long do you think this is going to take?"

"Hopefully not more than an hour," I say. "Why?"

"My stomach is growling," she chuckles, lightening the mood. I can't help but laugh at her; I swear she is always hungry.

"Had, your stomach is just an endless black hole," I tell her.

"Hey, it's just needy," she laughs, starting the car and opening the garage.

"I think that saying it's 'needy' is a little bit of an understatement," I point out. "I think the word would be something like 'greedy.'"

"What can we say?" she pats her stomach and starts to back out of the garage. "We just enjoy the better things in life."

"Right," I chuckle. She smirks and drives off. I hand her the directions to Jake's house and she looks at them briefly while she stops at the stop sign just after her house.

"So are you saying he lives in some foreign place?"

"No, but it is kind of far away from any other houses," I say. "It is also fenced off."

"Yeah, that makes sense," she nods, pulling out and turning left. . "I have never even been to that part of town."

"It's not too bad and it really only takes like five or so minutes to get there," I say. "We'll be fine."

"Yep," she says. She turns up the radio and we enjoy some Zendaya while we drive to Jake's house. We both kind of sing to ourselves at first, but by the time we arrive at the front gates of Jake's house, we are both belting out the words. The song, however, had changed and now we were listening to Chris Wallace's Keep Me Crazy.

When the song ends, she turns off the car and looks at me, telling me that it was time for me to go talk to him. I nod and look at the house. It looks so much bigger than it did last time I was here. 

"Wish me luck," I say, opening the door of the car.

"Good luck."

"Thanks," I sigh, closing the door behind me. I walk in a very sulky attitude and I open the gate, walking in. I look at Hadley one last time before I turn around and start walking up the walk way. Each step I take feels like a day has passed by and my heart rate accelerates at an unhealthy rate. You'd think I was an elderly lady taking the stairs from the rate I was breathing.

I finally reach the door and I cautiously put my hand out, knocking on the door. It is a very measly knock, so I try again with a bit more force. I gulp while I wait for Jake or Lexie to answer the door, but it still doesn't happen. There is complete silence and I sigh, biting my lip. My plan certainly did not work to my benefit this round.

I take out my phone and call Hadley to see what I should do after knocking about five times. They had no doorbell, so I didn't know what other way I could possibly get anyone's attention in there.

"What's up," Hadley answers.

"Hello to you, too," I say sarcastically. "And nobody is answering."

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