Chapter 14: Memories

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Tris P.O.V.

I wake up from a dream, feeling the bed next to me for Tobias. I then remember he said he had to go to work today. So that means I am all alone in his apartment trying to sort out my thoughts. Was what I was dreaming real, or was is just my imagination playing tricks on me. But I need to find out and Tobias isn't here.

So I get up and get dressed for the day. I go into the kitchen, seeing that Tobias has already prepared coffee. I take a cup and sit at the counter, seeing a note on it. I pick it up and see he left me a message

Hey Tris
I had to leave early and I didn't want to wake you. I made coffee, left emergency numbers next to the phone and a spare key next to the door. Please don't wander to far to get lost, but I will try my best to be home as early as possible.

I finish my coffee, look at the numbers and dial Caleb's number. He is the only one that can help me now.

"Dr Caleb Prior," he answers his phone. Damn, he is fancy with the title these days.

"Hey Caleb, it's me...... Tris. How are you?" I ask him, hoping he'll talk to me.

"Hi sis, ummm, I good and you?" he asks, stumbling a bit there, I think he wasn't expecting me to call after our last encounter where I nearly choked him.

"I'm okay, I wanted to find out if I could speak to you please. I know it isn't the best time and I am sure you have work." I say, a bit uncomfortably. I never had the thought that he might not speak to me.

"Sure, you want me to pick you up in 10 minutes, then we can go to the coffee shop around the corner" he say to me.

"That will be perfect. See you then," I say and hang up. I quickly apply light makeup to the last of my bruises and wait at the door for Caleb. A few minutes later I hear a knock at the door, asking who it is. I don't know many people and I don't feel safe to just open the door for anyone.

"It's me," I hear. Caleb.

"Coming," I scream to him, taking the spare key at the door and opening it. I greet him awkwardly and step outside. I then lock the door behind me and we leave in silence. The coffee shop is literally around the corner and we enter, me getting all the aroma's of different coffee smells. Never knew you got so many.
We go and sit near a window at a small table, someone comes and takes our orders. He ordered me something called a cappuccino. As we wait we make some small talk and talk about his job.

When the coffee arrives I take a sip, this is definitely something different. We spent the next few minutes talking about random stuff until I decide to ask him what I came here for.

"Caleb, I had a dream or memory or something and I need to know if it is real. Tobias said I mustn't try to hurt you again, that I would regret it as I can't remember past you being a traitor. So my question is, did I really forgive you and take you place in the weapons Lab? Is that why I was there?" I ask him.

His face falls and he looks to his coffee for a second before looking back at me and answering,

"Yes. just before I went in, some guards stopped us and you took my place. I still feel guilty to this day, that I was nearly prepared to sacrifice you for Jeanine and yet still you took my place in the weapons lab, sacrificing yourself for me." I says, choking back a sob at the end.

I take his hand on the table and hold it. Trying to show him that I am not mad. He looks at our hands and I can see he is trying to hold back the tears.

"Caleb, I forgave you for what you did. I never regretted that choice, so please stop blaming yourself." I tell him truthfully, giving him a smile as I say it.

We finish our coffee while talking about random things, our parents and where we are today. We chat for a little while longer and then I realise that is has been a few hours. It is passed lunch. I tell Caleb I need to go, that I didn't tell Tobias that I was leaving and don't want him to worry. Caleb pays for the drinks we had and we leave. He walks me to the apartment building entrance and then turns to me.

"Good luck and I am glad that you are getting your memories back. I love you sus," he tells me and giving me a hug.

'Love you too," I say hugging back. He then turns to leave, leaving me alone going up the stairs the apartment. When I get close, I can see the door standing open and hear crying from inside. What is going on?

I turn the corner of the door, seeing Tobias on his knees in the sitting room, which is a mess and turned upside down, crying.

"Four, what happened?" I ask him.He turns around and looks at me. God, what happened to him? His face is red from crying and his eyes are bloodshot.

"Tris." he whispers as he engulfs me in a bone crushing embrace.

I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN SO LONG! I'm sorry to anyone who reads this, but Thanks for reading!
Be brave,


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