Chapter 2: Unreal

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Tobias P.O.V.

I am still on the sidewalk with Tris in my arms. Why this happening to me? She is dead, no scratch that, she was dead. I can feel her faint heartbeat against my arm as I hold her. It must be her. She whispered my name before she fainted. I hope I wasn't imagining that.

I sit there for a few more minutes before someone asks me if I need help, saying they saw what happened. I am snapped back to reality and tell them that it isn't necessary. I pick her up, she is much lighter than the last time I held her in my arms and start towards my apartment. If she really is Tris and I am not dreaming, then I know her well enough to know that she won't want me to take her to a hospital. Always so stubborn.

I get to my apartment and open the door just to kick it closed with my foot and not bothering to lock it. I set her down gently on my bed and take a look at her. What the hell happened to her? If I find the person that did this, I am going to murder them before they can say a single word. She's black and blue over 95% of her body. She is so skinny that she looks like a small child. Her hair is cropped of so short that is looks like she could be a boy.

I go to the bathroom and get my medical aid box from under the sink. I get a facecloth and a bowl of water and walk back to her. I start to clean her face and notice she is covered in cuts, bruises, and mud. How is she alive? I scattered her ashes just 6 months ago, for Christ sakes! As I start to clean her wounds, I notice puncture marks on her neck and arms. God no! They used a serum on her! I notice she has dried blood under her fingernails as well. I shudder when I think of what she has gone through the past three years. Her time in Erudite seem like child's play as to what she looks like now. I start to cry as I clean her as much as possible without bathing her. Her clothes are full of mud and twigs, but I really don't care about the bed or anything at the moment.

I hear my phone ring while I am cleaning her. I set the facecloth down in the water where it turns brown and red from the dirt and blood and head to the phone. I answer it.


"Hey Tobias, it's Mabel." she says. She's Johanna's Secretary.

"Hey Mabel, what can I do for you?" I ask her, only just remembering that I had a meeting at the Hub this morning.
"Shit, I forgot about the meeting" I tell her.

"Are you alright Tobias? You sound terrible. Anything I can help with?" she asks me. I only just realize that I am still crying and my voice sounds like I have the flu or something.

"Yeah. Can you tell Johanna to get James in my place for the meeting and that I am going to take some time off? She keeps bugging me to take some personal time, and I think I might take that now." I tell her, trying to make my voice sound as normal as possible.

"Sure. I will let her know. I hope everything is okay there. You can call me anytime you want if you need help, you know that, right?" she tells me. I knew she had a little crush on me, but never did anything to take it further, which I am happy about.

"Yeah, I know. Thanks Mabel, I've got to go," I tell her and hang up. I attempt to wipe my eyes from the leftover tears and think about Tris again. I head back into my room and see her still passed out on my bed.

I head back to the bed and get the bowl with water and refill it in the bathroom with clean water. I carry on cleaning her for what feels like hours. I know she will hate me for doing this, but I need to get her out of these cloths, so I head to my dresser and get some sweatpants and my smallest t-shirt, knowing she will still drown in them.

I get her undressed and gasp when I see what her whole body looks like. It looks like someone used her as a punching bag. My eyes start to tear up again and I start thinking about that night so many years ago when Peter had her over the Chasm in the Dauntless Compound. Without too much hassle, I get her in the clean cloths. I clean everything and throw her old cloths away, I never want to see them again. I head to the kitchen in search of something to eat as I am starving now, in which I realize that it is 7pm in the evening. I have been helping and crying next to her for about 9 hours straight. Is that possible??

I get some leftovers from the fridge that Christina dropped off last night, sometimes I think she thinks I can't feed myself. I don't mind but it still feels odd that we can be friends, when I know that she was Tris' friend before mine. I head back into the room after I have eaten and leave a glass of water on the nightstand for her, should she wake up during the night. I hope she wakes up, I have really missed those eyes of her.

I head to the bathroom and take a shower and get dressed. I go and sit on the coach and think about all the possibilities of how Tris is still alive. I go to the room every 30 minutes or so just to check that she is still alive and head back to the coach. At about 11pm the night, I decide to check on her one last time and get a pillow and blanket from the passage cupboard. I keep extras for when Zeke comes over drunk and doesn't want to disturb Shauna or when Evelyn spends the night. I head to the coach and pass out nearly immediately.

I'm probably gonna publish the next couple of chapters. But I'm not gonna post more until more people read it. Thanks for reading!
Be brave,


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