She smacked my hand away, "I'm going to kill you..." she groaned painfully. "Shit!" she gasped as she took another look at it. "I... I can't move it!" She cried.

Panicking, I quickly took the bandana I kept around my ankle and tied it over her mouth to keep her quiet, "You'll get me in trouble!" But she wouldn't listen. She kept fighting. She wouldn't quit. I had to tie her up. I had to make her stop.

"What's going on?" I could hear an unfamiliar voice call. Hearing his voice wrenched my stomach into a double knot. I can't let anyone know. I'm in so much trouble.

I began to shake in fear as Angie screamed and fussed. I couldn't let anyone see what I've done to her. I pulled out my bow and yanked the arrow out of her knee, using it to aim for her skull now. "You'll get me in trouble. This is all your fault, Angie..."

* * * * *

"No!" I screamed, sitting up on the couch, sweating.

It was just a dream... A nightmare.

More like a flashback.

My hands were shaking, my head was aching. I took deep breaths to calm myself. Did I have another breakdown?"

I groaned.

I need to stop letting that happen. I couldn't let anyone see me go through these stupid emotional attacks.

I hate it when I get so deep into thoughts about my past and just end up falling apart. It happens a lot when something reminds me of Texas or my parents and I don't think Simon is aware of me still going through this... Being alone with your darkest memories is one of the only things that terrifies me and it makes me go insane when I least expect to. Beer has always been my BFF for those times.

I sighed then went to the bathroom to take a nice, cold shower to soothe my headache and brushed my teeth after. I felt kind of sick. Like my stomach was turning and was preparing to make me puke... I recognized this feeling.

How much did I drink last night?

After getting ready, I headed to my kitchen for a glass of water to ease the knot in my stomach. Maybe even squeeze a little bit of lemon juice in it to make sure everything stays down.


I noticed that there was a little sticky note stuck to my fridge next to my smoking horse magnet I got from Barhama Paradise a while back. I raised a suspicious eyebrow at it because I was never one to write myself notes and Simon knows better than to do that so this could only mean that someone else has been in here... But who...?

I narrowed my eyes and read it slowly: I want you to keep your hot body, Mami. -Jaden ;)

I winced, Why was Jaden in my dorm? And why put this stupid note here?

I guess the bigger question is, why don't I remember him being here?

I shook my head, annoyed, then opened the fridge.

A sudden gasp escaped my lips and left me gazing into my fridge, overwhelmed.

My fridge was filled with freshly bought food and off-brand drinks and there were even two full-sized pineapples in there. Everything was arranged neatly without leaving an empty space in my fridge. I slowly closed the fridge, now confused.

Did Jaden just...

I quickly opened the fridge again.

He got rid of all my beer... And my whiskey as well.

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