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I landed no the ground..... Freedom...


I looked ahead of me and saw a forest. It was dark and might be a huge risk but there was no way I was going back now. Full of determination, I ran into the dense forest.

Jungkook's POV:

I woke up in the middle of the night.... something was wrong but what. Then I felt as if a million bricks had hit me an the head Y/n...

I made my over to her room. I put my hand on the doorknob but then retreated desciding that I should respect her privacy, I lightly knocked the door "Y/n?" No answer. Then I knocked a little louder "Y/n!?" No answer again. I was getting impatient oh, f*ck privacy I barged in the room, only to find it... empty?
"Y/n?!" I checked in the bathroom, under the closet, anywhere she could have hidden. Then I felt a gust of wind enter the room, I looked towards the window. It was open. I ran towards the window and peered outside, the vine on wall had
Y/n's scent but it was faint. "AAHH HYUNG!!!!" I shouted feeling anger burning through my veins. I could feel my eyes turn full black, my fangs digging into my bottom lip and my senses getting stronger. I was in my true form. I didn't know where
Y/n was but when I'll get her I will make her regret even thinking about leaving me.

Y/n's POV:

I have been waking around for hours. Its dark and cold and not to mention there are about millions of twigs that I keep tripping over. I needed to rest, but where? I sighed and looked up and saw that the clouds had cleared away, allowing moonlight to seep in throught the trees... The TREES! I could easily climb one and judging by the looks of it the branches seem as if they can easily hold my weight.

Letting out a deep breath I began to climb the dorst tree that my eyes fell upon. When I reached the top I took of my bag and rested my back against the tree trunk. Looking up at the moon I thought about what might be going on at home. Then a thought crossed my brain Has Jungkook noticed that I'm missing? Is he angry? Did I make the right choice? And with these thoughts racoling through my mind my eyes closed and I fell into a dreamless sleep.

Time Skip:

I woke up as I heard the birds chirping. I sighef and burried my head deeper into my pillow... wait a second... pillow? My eyes flew open and I looked at my surroundings. I was in a room. B-but how? I thought as I tried to get up. Only to fall back down, I then noticed that my hands had been chained to the bed post. I tried yanking at them but they just won't budge! Siddenly I heard the door open, I looked up and saw a not-so-happy looking Jungkook enter the room and it didn't take a genius to realise thst he was in his vampire form. I gulped. "Y/n" he said in a dangerously soft voice. Oh god, I'm so dead. "You know better than to run from me" he started coming closer to the bed. "I told you before if you try to run you will be punished" "I-I'm sorry, p-please don't h-hurt me" I stuttered struggling to get out of the chains. He was now standing right in front of the bed, he then bent down and removed my chains. I tried to get up amd run but he was too fast and lifted me over his shoulder and before I knew it we were downstairs. On the way some of the boys saw me struggling against Jungkook and gave me sympathetic looks while some just looked away avoiding eyecintact.

Jungkook amd I reached an unfamiliar room and I was tossed inside. Inside the room was dark, like full blackness, and since I fell on my hands and feet, I felt something wet under my hands. I was shaking by now, it was really dark not to mention the whole room smelled like blood.

Suddenly a dull light filled the room. Oh my god! The room was filled with blood. It was on the floor, smeered on the walls. Tears began to fotm in my eyes. Then I heard a dark voice right behind me

            "Get ready for your
             punishment honey"

-To Be Continued....

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