Chapter 7 - Some Cheap Clip On

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"Sara," Nick says. "What are you doing here?" he asks.

"Getting Starbucks," she says, pointing to her drink. What about  you?" she asks.

"Just hanging out with Kacey," he says, pointing to me. Sara glares at me. "Well, I'm going to meet Adriana in Bath and Body Works, so bye," she smiles at Nick. As she walked past me, she faked tripped, sending her iced coffee all over me.

"Oops, sorry," she laughs, as she walks away. "Come on, Kacey," he says, dragging me down the hall to the bathrooms. He takes off his hoodie and hands it to me. "Wear this till your shirt dries," he smiles. "No, it's fine," I insist. "No, take it.  Go in there, put your shirt in your purse, and put on my hoodie," he says. I take the hoodie and change. And may I just say, his hoodie smells just like him and is extremely soft.

We end up finding his mom a really nice necklace. Nick buys it, refusing to let me give him any money towards it, then we go outside. "Do you need a ride?" he asks as we walk out the door. "No, Jillian's coming to get me. She borrowed my car to go to her cousins birthday party. She'll be here soon," I tell him. "Alright. Well,  thanks for the fun day," he smiles. "No problem. Tell me how your mom likes her birthday present," I say.

He nods, gives me a hug, and starts walking to his car. ""Wait!" I yell. He turns around. "Do you want your hoodie?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Nah. You look cuter in it anyways," he yells back. I blush.

He drives off, and I stand on the curb waiting for Jillian.

"Is that Nick's hoodie?" I hear from behind me. I turn to find Sara and Adriana. 

"Yeah. So?" I ask. "You don't deserve that hoodie," she snaps. "It's not like it's an award, Sara," I laugh.

She pushes me, so I push her back. She grabs my hair, pulling on the purple streak. "Ow!" I yell. "Oh, so it's real? I thought it was some cheap clip on," she laughs.

"No, it isn't some cheap clip on. I'm classier than that," I snap. "I'm classier than you," she argues.

"Classy people don't purposley spill their Starbucks on other people just because they went to a movie with her crush," I say. She stops. She realizes I'm right.

"Come on, Adri. We don't need her," she says, and her and Adriana, who didn't say anything the whole time, walk away.


Sorry for the short update! They'll get longer later on.

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