Chapter 32 - Final Chapter

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Nick and I are still together.

Every Witch Way got renewed for a third season, so he stayed in Miami to film. But we kept in touch. We texted everyday and he called me almost every night.

Sara's parents took her out of the school, and Adriana is now our friend.
I took Jillian out to Miami with me, and she met Tyler. They hit it off and now they're dating, keeping in touch the same way Nick and I do.

Paola and I are close. She's like a sister to me.

"I better get to bed. Early day on set tomorrow," Nick says, yawning.

I nod, though he can't see me. "Me too," I say.

"One week. Then I'll be back," he tells me. I smile. "I can't wait."

"See you soon, darling."

"See you soon."

The Not-So-Popular Girl (Nick Merico)Where stories live. Discover now