My love for you was bullet proof but you were the one who shot me :'(

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" So, you and Tony going out?" Jamie asked, whist i was carrying him on my back. "He asked me on a date last night and we've kissed, i just donno are you guys hidding something from me?" I ask curiosely and Jamie shook his head and smile down at me. I don't belive him but i don't press it with him.

"Thanks Jamie! See you later!" I say giving him a hug. "Okay blaze see ya!" I wved goodbye to him and before my hand met the door handle, the door flung open and Danny stode thier in my way. "Where were you!" He asked furiously. I gave him a hug calming him down. "I passed out on the Pierce the Veil bus!" He laughed and i retured it to him.

"Did you get layed?" Ben asked winking at me, i pretended to gag. "Nah, i'm no man whore like you Ben. That is skillz!" I say punching him softly and he chuckled. I got changed and done my make-up. I walked back out and stated. "Guys i don't really know about anyone in pierce the veil can you enlighten me?" The looked at each other and shrugged.

"Well Jamie is just a nutter, he has a girlfriend and they are so cute! Mike is a player but he can a girls bestfriend. Vic is just amazing he is the boss around there althoug he's so small! And Tony is shy and him and his feonce are getting married in three months!" Cam sid and i stopped breathing.

Danny grabbed me and shock me. "Blaze. BLAZE! BREATH!" He yelled and i sucked in a breath for him. I started to cry and james came over and hugged me he was the best a comforting.  "Are babe! It will be alright!" I sobbed into his shoulder and he rubbed my back. "What happened!" He asked and i sobbed again.

"Tony asked me out last night, he kissed me today and they all fucking knew but didn't tell me!" I got up and started to pase. "I'm gunna..." I grabbed Danny's arm as he stode up and i shock my head and hugged him tightly. "I'm going to do this!" He smiled down at me and kissed my head. I saughted my make up out and then left.

With my camra in my hand i took a few snaps when someone came up behind me and shouted. "Boo!" I jumped around and saw Vic standing there smiling i took a photo and then i frowned. "Vic....... i know." I looked up to see him look sad. "I'm sorry Blaze! I wanted to tell you but Tony made me swear not to!" I hugged him and said. "I'm not mad at anyone but Tony, now lets go kick warped butt!" I say laughing and we started to run towards the stage.

"Oh yeah here's the guitar!" Vic pasted me a slick black guitar and i smiled at it. "Vic i was woundering if you wanted to sing a duet with me?" I asked and he nodded. "Just give me a reason?" I asked and he smiled. "Yeah i can play that we al can!" I smiled and nodded.

The guys joined me and i had my earplugs in, warming up my vocals i ignored them util Mike tapped my shoulder. "Time to go on!" I smiled at him and went over to the others. We did our pre-show rituals ad the went on. "Guys this is a beautiful woman name Blaze ad she is going to be siging with us today!" He went up to the others and told then to play js give me a reason and they nodded.

'Our tearducks will rust

i'll fix iT for us!

We're collectig dust but our love enough.

Your holding it in,

Your pouring a drink!

No nothing is as bad as it seem....

We'll come clean!!!!!!'

Me and Vic fiished the song and then carried on with the set. "Thank you guys and today was amazing. All belive in yourself and never give up!" Vic said and i tryed to smile. "Hey guys! Don't ever thing you are not good enough because the truth is no-one id good enough for you your all equall but some can't see it and that just a pain right? Please don't take a blade, lighter or anyother way of self harm to yourself because life gives you enough scars! I love you guys and Tony..... I know!" I waved goodbye to the crowd and walked off. I gave my guitar to the tch guy and walked off.

I got far away and when i looked back i saw Tony chaseing after me i stopped and looked him in the eye. "Yes?" I ask and he catched his breath. "I'm Sorry....!" l really wanted to slap him but i stopped myself. "Tony just leave it okay! I'm not as angry as i should be. I just don't want our friend ship to be affected by this!" He smiles and hugs me tightly. "Thank you Blaze!" I smile at him and wave good bye.

Isn't it funny how you say you fine and no-one knows that you really dieing inside! I walked into the bus and took a shower. After that i layed in my bunk crying. I am never good with relationships.

First there was Cc. Me and Cc were going out for almost 2 years when i saw him cheating on me. When i confrounted him he said it had gone on for a year and a half and l almost committed suiside because of this. Now this thing with Tony! Grrr

No person can love me. Who would want me any way? I'm fat! Ugly! A worthless piece of shit! Grabbing my blade i made 10 new cuts on each arm. I cleaned them up ad went out picking up someone's fags and looking around for a lighter. "Ben are these your?" I ask and he nodded i motion for him to follow me and he does i get outside and i hug him. "Can i have one please?" I ask and he nods rubbing my back.

Passing me a lighter he got himself one and we stode there for a minuet of scilence until Danny came out. "Hey Blaze, i heard what you did are you alright?" He askes and i hugg hug and smile up at his face. "Yeah, i guess why?" I ask and he shrugs.

I put my fag out and sit inside with the other till someone yelled my name. "BLAZE!" I jumped up and looked out of the bus to see Cc. Operning the door he smilied a little. "Blaze i want to say how very sorry i am and i want you to be a part of my life! I want us to be friends because a life without you is boring and no fun! I miss you and i want to be able to help you. Please?" I stode thier shocked until i made my decision......

I looked up into Cc's eyes and i kew he ment every single word. "yes, i forgive you CC you still my bestfriend!" I hugged him and he kissed my head. This was just awsome i really missed him. We said our good byes and i went and got ready for the party after all it was at this bus tonight!

Right from the start....Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora