Bad girl's club

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I woke up and groaned, clicking my back i sighed. I got down from my bunk and re-did my make up so i had smoky eyes and red lippy. I out on a short black and white dress and i wore black kneww high converses. I walked out and sat down taking out my phone and looking at it.

danny cleared his throut. "Blaze.... i'm sorry for doing that to you but i have great news, the guys from Pierce the Veil would like you to sing with them for warped that's if you want to..." He trailed off and i smiled at him and hugged him. "Danny it was thoughtful but you know i can't be around him without wanting to rip his testicals off! And i would love to perform with them they are great musicians!" I say and he smiles.

"Woah, bitch you look good!" Ben say's walking in and winking at me, I smile at him and say. "Thanks hoe!" We both laugh. Me and Ben always have our little banter sestions and they just get better and better!

"Blaze like's it up the bum!" Ben shout's sitting next to James who laughes.

"Nah mate thats you or do you take it in the mouth?" I smile at him, this is gunna get a whole lot worse then it gets better!

"She loves big black cock!" He retaliates and Danny looks at me shocked i shrugged and said.

"So do you at least i have tits!" I shout at him.

"What tit's?" He asks and i growl at him.

"I guess your blind as well as an asshole!" I both glare at each other, i can't belive he said that! He smiled and i couldn't help but smile back.

We both bursted out laughing and he got up and gave me a hug. "We taught you well!" James admitted and i laughed. "Well i have to compete with this bitch!" I almost shout pointing at Ben and he flickes me off, showing me his middle finger. We all walked to the Of mice and men tour bus and the music was already blasting. I grabbed a red cup and filled it up with some jd and coke.

"Hey babygirl i gotta penis!" I turned around and saw Byranstarz standing behind me. "HonnyHole!" I exclaim giving him a hug, he laughed and hugged me back. "hey sugar hips how are ya?" He asked smiling down at me. I shrug "Same old, same old. How about you, with your whole tour and all that crap?" I say smiling at him and he blushes. "It's amazing, i know what the guys are on about now, touring is awsome bu sleeping is a bitch!" I giggle at his remark.

"Are you even alowed to drink?" he asks wiking a me and i blush. "In the uk i am!" I defand.

"Are we in the Uk now?" He asked and o nodded my head. "Just in my dreams so it's real to me!" I say gettig another drink. He stiffened as he saw someone over my sholder, i turned, making eye contact with Cc. Shit!

I walk off and go outside of the bus and see Danny and Ben stnding there smoking a bong. i grabbed my own joint from my bag and lit up. "I fucking hate that asshole!" I mumble and Dany turn to me. "I know babygirl but we have to move on he is going to be here at warped and so are you. Please just ignore him then you come to the bus and bitch bout him!" I giggle. After 5 tokes i could feel the effect. I fiished the joint and lit up another one. I was going to go hardd tonight!

After three joints i went back inside and grabbed Mike. "Do 20 shot's with me?" He grinned evily and nodded. I lined them up and Oli counted us down. "3....2.....1....go!" I grabbe the shot's and finished the one second faster then him but we called it a draw.

I walked up to Ashley and pulled him over t karioky. I love singign but singing with ashley is just funny. By now i am out of it! "He fother muckers, Oops i mean hey mother fuckers! Me and Ash are gunna sing a song and you better fucking dance!" We grabbed the mic and sand i wanna dance with somebody. I started to dance with Tony. "So Blaze you performing with us tomorrow?" he asks and i nod.

Why? How is he so darn cute! I smile at him and say. " If ya have a spare guitar i will play that too!" I say and his jaw dropped. "Oi turtle, your gunna catch flys!" I jokes hugging him and he chuckles. " You can play my other one! Blaze can i ask you a question?" He say's and i nod into his shoulder. "Will you go on a date with me tomorrow?" I gri and kis him on the lips. "My dear turrtle i think that was a definate yes from me!!" I say and he blushed.

I grabbed his hand and we walked out of the bus. he picked me up giving me a piggy back ride and we stopped at a field, i layed down next to him and we looked at the stars. i could feel my eye's getting sleepy. "Babe can you take me to sleep so i can bed?" I ask and he smirks at me. My eyelids dropped and i ws out!

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