Having A Talk

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I gulp, trying to calm my heart from beating way to fast. "O-Okay." I stuttered, "What do you want to talk about?"

"Who are you, and why are you here? In my house? And how do you know my name? It seems like the boys and Torie already know who you are. Are you a fan? Or are you working for the papparazzi?"

He said in one breath. My eyes widen, he really didn't remember me? The girl that was bullied and had no friends? And to think, I'm in love with this guy. But he never notice me or liked me, hell, he doesn't even remember me. Why do I love somebody that'll never love me back?

He waits patienctly, wanting an answer from me.

"Umm, I'm Claire Davidson." I said quietly. He gives me the 'DUH' look, of course he knew what my name was.

" I know your name but who exactly ARE you?"

Tears threaten to spill. He actually doesn't know me, and I love him with all my heart.

"To answer your question, I'm Claire Davidson, you know, the ugly poor girl that was bullied and no one liked her. The girl that was bullied by Jasmine, your group. I was in high school with you. If you even remember. Nobody liked me, and nobody still doesnt like me. Except probably Harry and your mom. I'm here bc I-I--"

I didn't want to tell him, just talking about my past was too much. Mostly when I was telling it to the only guy I ever loved, and still love.

Salty tears were rolling down my cheeks now, me breathing heavily. I look to him, seeing his face with sadness. Why? He shouldn't be sad about me, I'm not worth it. At all. Haah, maybe he was sad about something else. No one ever got sad bc of me. And no one ever will.

I heard the bathroom door open and heard Jasmine gasp.

"Babe, ew why are you even near her? She's a disgusting bitc--"

"No, just shut your damn mouth would you? For one minute just shut up and LISTEN!" Ash interrupted her.

I was silently crying now. Gosh, I'm such a baby. I need to stop crying. Like now.

"What did you just sa--"

"Jasmine, we're DONE" Ashton shouted. When she didn't reply, he spoke up again. "All you ever done was be a bitch to my bandmates, my ex girlfriend and to a girl that was bullied by YOU in high school. All you want is sex, sex, sex, sex. I'm not a bloody sex god! I honestly don't know what I saw in you bc all I see when I see you, is a mother fucking bitch."

My body stiffen. Oh my gosh. I look up slowly to see a red face Ashton and a wide eyed Jasmine. He just broke up with her. Right in front of me. Okay, I need to calm down. But he just broke up with HER!

"You know what? Fuck you." She said dramatically. She turn to me, "And fuck you. I see the way you look at him, mostly in high school you little cunt. News flash hun, you're never gonna win his heart. Ever"

She said matter factly and rush out of the hall. I slide down the wall, exhausted. I know it's true that im never gonna win his heart. I'm an ugly cow. I'll never be as beautiful and kind as Torie or sexy and gorgeous like Jasmine.

I rest my head in my hands and sigh a quivering sigh. My lips start to tremble as I let a few tears out.

Ashton sits down next to me, looking confused.

"You don't have to answer all my questions, just by looking at you. You're only a broken girl. . . . that needs to be fix."

I look up at him, with my snotty nose and red eyes. He opens his arm, gesturing me to hug him. I slowly wrap my arms around him and cry. He rubs my back with his gently hands and sighs, leaning his head against the wall.

After 3 minutes, I clean myself up. Slowly getting out of Ashton's arm. I leave the door open, quietly washing my face and blowing my nose.

After im done, I follow Ashton out in the living room where we see Torie and Luke on the floor, inches away from each other's face. Anger and confusion washes over Ashton's face as he flicks his eyes on Torie and Luke.

"What the fuck"


I guess we had our talk then.


A/N : I been really busy lately, sorry :( my dance was awesome last night but like the last dance, i ruin it . Ugh, kill me now.

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