Hellfire: Tomas

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Burn, burn you monsters! Fire is the final cleanse...We all will need fire. The Apple Inn is no more. The last guests are joining the flames. I need to find a way out of here, I am not ready to be cleansed. I picked up my keys and started to make my plan. Around the corner I hear a struggle of shouts and groans. I turn to see Xander pushing a few of the hungry husks away. He was trapped behind a barricade and was stuck. Xander was not making any progress, there is only one answer, fire. I remember Xander before all of this destined future for us, the tainted. Xander, always would slack off and never finish what needed to be done down in the basements. "Tomorrow is another day, today is happening now" he would always say. Try explaining that to the many upset customers. Well, Xander, you are right about one thing. Today is now and now is the time to die. "Tomas, help me out please! My leg got caught and the monsters won't leave me alone. Please move this table! I need your help!" he cried out. I got closer to him, my words will be the last thing he ever hears. "Today is happening now, I am clearly quoting such a wise yet such a fool of this dying culture." I remarked. "Please Tomas! No jokes now! Help!" he shouted. I pulled out my daggers. "Sure, I will help you! Find the Fire!" I stab both daggers in his shoulders and quickly pull them out! He cursed and screamed, "Aggh! Stop, hel...." The tainted came and began to feast on his exposed bones and muscles. I pull out a match from my pocket strike the end and place it in the oil puddle. "Remember today is now!" Seconds later the whole room was ignited with Fire! Beautiful Fire! Xander and the tainted moaned in agony. Xander's former body was now turning into crispy layers of burnt skin. His face was reduced to ashes and Fire cleaned him.

There is a fire escape door on the 2F, but that is probably destroyed by the boiler. The bottom floor is is already burning up. I remember Shelby complaining about a draft in the 306 room. The draft was from Franky trying to fix the plumbing between room 306 and 304. Maybe I sneak past most of the husks, and pick up Bob's shotgun in room 304. Bob would always keep the Inn safe. Too bad, Fire is the final answer. I snuck up the connecting stairway. A female husk was banging on the door. I needed to sneak around her and get to room 306. I sidestepped past the husk but the door suddenly blasted open. The door smacked the walker and flames decorated the floor behind me. That was the custodian room, probably the electric panel caught fire and exploded. The new problem is now, I can't go back down to the stairs, I need to find a way out after I get the shotgun. I pull out the keys and search for room 304's gold key. I stick the key into the keyhole and my hands feel an extreme burning sensation. Crap there is a fire inside the room. How am I going to get the shotgun. I look around and see a piece of concrete at the end of the hall. I scramble over to pick it up. I take aim and I throw the concrete piece at the door knob. The knob falls off and I start to hear screaming. "Hello? Who is there? Please don't open this door, its a backdraft waiting to happen!" It's Shelby. She was a great worker, though she didn't like me. I kindly asked her for a date about a month ago. She lied about having a boyfriend. Jason told me after I took the daggers from his rotten body. I peeked through the hole and saw she was holding Bob's shotgun. She had it aimed at the door. I covered my mouth and said, "Ma'am, are you okay? I am here to help you! I need you do something before I can help. Please open the window". I waited for her to respond. "Hey, if I do that the fire will go through the window. Okay I am opening the window now. I hear a clunk and the room was filled with smoke. I kick the door and see Shelby coughing in a cloud of black smoke. The shotgun was on the ground next to the window. I picked up the shotgun and looked at the window. Something grabs me, its Sandra. "Tomas, you liar you are not helping me!" She tries to push me out the window. "I did lie Sandra, doesn't it hurt?" I pull up the shotgun, but I lose my grip and drop it. Shelby let's go of me and picks up the shotgun. Freeze Tomas! I step closer and say, "There is no way to cool me down." She pulls the trigger but no bullets come out of the barrel. Shelby loses focus and starts to panic. I lunge and stab her in the neck and she shrieks. So loud, that a pink monster skitters into through the doorway. The monster has an unbelievably long tongue, like a frog. It has no eyes and "licks" the air. With a heavy sigh it rushes toward me. I pick up the shotgun and switch the safety off. Pumping the handle I aim at the pink monster. I pull the trigger and the bullets make contact on its face. I pump the shotgun again and there were no more shells. The monster slows down and it falls to the floor. I grab its tongue and walk to the window. Sandra, gasping and holding the hole in her neck. I step over her and say, "The truth will set you free, and so will this dagger." I pull out the dagger. Sandra frantically grabs my arm and I break her grasp. I grab the monster's tongue and hoists it out the window. I jump out the window and grip the tongue. I scale down to the second floor and the tongue began to move. I lost my grip! I fell and grab the concrete corner. I was hanging on the first floor. I struggle to pull myself up. I hear a crow squawking above me. My fingers are not food! The crow pecks my left hand! I lose my grip and free fall. I lose consciousness.

I wake up to excruciating pain. One dagger lays next to my right hand and the other...is stuck in my left shoulder. I lift my head to see the shed a few meters away. I slowly get up and pick up the other dagger. I reach for my keys,...no keys. The shed was locked. I walked around the shed and see a suspicious crate in front of the shed. I push it to the side and see a hole large enough to crawl through. I crawl through and see a man sleeping inside. I quietly look around and see a machete. I grab it, very quietly. I turn around start to crawl through the hole. I felt something grabbing my ankle. I turn around and see it was not a man but a husk. I pull out my last dagger and stab its hand. I break free and squirm through the hole. I get up and push the crate back. I pull out the machete and walk toward the outside gate. The gate was unlocked and the padlock was on the ground. I pick up the padlock and the close, the Apple Inn for the final time. I turn around to see a civilian running through 5th and Apple Street. A second later a man in black with a gas mask stops at the intersection and looks right at me. "Hey, where did the wimp go?" I pointed where the civilian ran. The black suit man runs down the same alley. I follow him and see him hold a shotgun aimed at the civilian. The man in the suit takes one hand and pulls out a grenade from his belt. I stop him. "Hey don't waste that, I will do the job." I pull out the machete and slash the civilians neck. The man in the suit asks, "Such kindness in this hell of a place. Per chance do you know how to get to the train station. I can happily split some of the prize with you, partner." I turn around and nodded. I knew the quickest route to the train yard. "Glad to help you, Mr.?" He answers, "Beltway, at your service." I put away the machete. "Tomas. Follow me down this road, partner."

After a few encounters with the dead we finally reach the Raccoon City Cemetery. Beltway pulls out a trip mine and places it behind us. "I don't like shadows." I agreed. The cemetery was quiet, as expected. The soil was slippery, and we had to tread through here carefully. The last row of the tombstones did prove to be a challenge. The tombstones were surprisingly destroyed. A few car sized holes litter the ground. What monster could make this kind of destruction? I moved closer when the ground began to shake. What is...Hey partner get low! I duck and look up and see a monster glide over me. With my quick glimpse, I saw a mutant termite about the size of a train zips through the sky. I will call it, GraveDigger. It was looking for customers. I got up and bolted to the other side of the hole. "Partner, I wanna kill this abomination! Get across the cemetery and meet up with my crew at Dewey's garage. Say Beltway is at a barbeque, they will help you."

I turned around and sprinted through the opening.

After about an hour of navigating the undead city, I finally reach Dewey's garage. There were corpses all over the ground. Limbs, bullet shells, chunks of concrete, organs and blood decorate the carports. Time to find what does not belong....Aha! There is a corner near the garage door that has no debris or body parts. I get closer and see a dent in the wall. I step back and tackle the wall. The wall falls down and a narrow passage is visible. I pull out the machete and walk carefully down the mysterious passage. Half way through the passage I can hear gunshots echoing down the passage. The closer I got the more I heard. Finally reaching the end I hear bullets smacking corpses and see the black clad mercenaries. I put down the machete and say" Beltway is at a barbeque!" They stop firing.

Then garage secret passage.

Explosion Beltway, Follow USS to Lonsdale. Kills an innocent for Beltway to only be betrayed by Peter.   

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