Flashback: LUCY

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Sleep my love as the trees above protect you from the dark. A great river will watch you as you dream until dawn. Sleep my love, close your eyes. And when you awaken, the new day will bring to you a bright new world. The city is not safe anymore. My friends, my family...my mommy...where are you?

8 hours earlier

"Lucy, you need to listen carefully. Today is a very important day for mommy to go to the forest. There is a...uhh a promise I need to keep. Please stay here and don't open the door even if it's someone you know. People outside will act a little scared and confused but don't be afraid. When it's exactly 2130, there will be a lot of noise and...fireworks. I need you to take the yellow walkie-talkie from the closet and the CD from the computer. It's really important you bring your backpack with a water bottle, an energy bar and blanket. Sweetie, it's going to be dark. Bring your flashlight. Don't forget your baseball bat. Leave through the back door. Don't go to the Police Station! Raccoon Hospital is... not safe. Go to your Aunt Emily's house. She will help you. Stay low and if someone gets close to you... I want you to run as fast as you can. I need to go now. Mommy will always love you."

Those were the last words I heard from Mommy. I put the tape recorder in the velcro pocket. Its already 2154.. There were lots of screams and explosions around Apple St. I am scared but being scared will not help me find Mommy. I can almost see Aunt Emily's house. I just need to...

Somebody please help...Grahhh! I turn and see Tom, our neighbor being torn in half by some green monster. I stopped and looked for somewhere to hide. There was a truck to my left. I got low and began to crawl under the abandoned car. I laid there...dead silent. The green creature walked by the truck. It was making alien sounds. I held my scream in. The monster stood there. I it's not safe under here. I turned my head to see someone crawling toward me. I look closer and see it was man. I said nothing. The man kept crawling. He then got closer, closer and then stopped. A circular shiny thing was on the ground. It began to beep. BEEP BEEP BEEP!!! It turned red and I knew what it was a... BOMB! I scurried out and curled in. BOOM!! I got up and ran toward Aunt Emily's house. The door was locked. I saw a window open. The living room window. If I can find something to climb on. There were some pieces of junk in the yard but nothing I could stand on. There has to be something that can help me. I went around the back and found a crate. I could push it and climb through the window. But I had to do it quietly. I pushed the crate slowly and quietly. I got to the window and hopped into the living room.

The house was cold. Dark. I pulled out my flashlight. I turned it on. I shined the light on the floor. Bullet shells and blood spots litter the floor. Where are you Aunt Emily? I walked slowly through the mess. The kitchen, maybe she is... Several scratches cover the tile. The dishes and pans are thrown all over the place. The table has a note on it. "Lucy, I went to find your mommy. I am sorry I could not wait for you. Your mommy went to find Hilda. She knows what is happening here. Please...." The note stopped there. I have to go find them. I have to go through the garage. The front door is not safe. The garage is... what is that noise? Hwah Hwaah... Where is it? The ceiling! The monster had a whip-like tongue. It looked like an alien with its skin inside out. It has no eyes. It sighed and crawled along the wall. I crouched and began to move as silently as I could. It could not sense me but I might find me when I try and open the door. I have an idea. The radio on the table still was blinking. I grabbed it and threw it in the opposite direction. It made a loud noise and played the Raccoon City Emergency Message.

The pink alien monster scampered over to the noise. Now. I dashed over to the garage door and pushed the door open. There was only one place to go,..the Forest. There I will find my answers.

Present time

The forest was so quiet compared to the city. The explosions and screams are so far away. I only hope the monsters are not here....Snap growl! What was that? I looked around and saw a man shouting, "Sally! Sally where are you?!" I remembered what Mommy said. I got really low to the ground and laid quietly on the moist dirt. The shouting man walked closer. He had a backpack and a walking stick. He gets closer and started to shout, but something stopped him dead in his tracks. What was it?... I hear ticking, really really close to me. I keep still and move my eyes to the left. Something...a monster...It was next to my face. It's rubbing against my clothes. I turn my eyes to see an overgrown centipede crawl past me. So many legs,...I must not let it see me. It stopped and faced the shouting man. "Monster you..." his last words echo. The monster devours him in less than a second and it moves on. The backpack and walking stick lay on the ground. I am still alive...I could have been... I can't think about that. Stay positive. I stand up and I look inside the backpack. There were a few water bottles and energy bars. I took them and put them in my backpack. The walking stick was too big for me, but I found a swiss-army knife. I started to walk the same way where the centipede went but something stopped me. I hear a man shout in a foreign language. What!? I tried to find where it came from. He shouted again, it sounded like he needed help. I jog to where I hear water rushing. It's Raccoon River. I look for the man and see hanging on to a branch above the vicious river. 

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