Outbreak: The Lost Stories (Will)

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Outbreak: Will

September 31st, 1998

Pheww this night shift could not get any more boring! The smell of disinfectant fills the air. I pick up the mop and start scrubbing the chunky blob of vomit next to the toilet. I hear shouts and rock music playing in the sports room. Sure, I love working when everyone is having a blast! I am almost done cleaning the last stall when I hear a thud next to the sink. WHAT WAS THAT!? I walk closer to the sink and see the air vent fell down. ...Weird. DOESN'T SURPRISE ME THAT THE PLACE IS FALLING APART, IT'S NO WONDER I GET PAID IN QUARTERS! I start wiping the sink handles when I hear a scream and a gun shot. THAT'S CINDY! SHE NEEDS HELP! 

I run to the door but something grabs me by the shoulders. I look up to see arms and see a man lifted me off the ground. HEY! WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM!? I see the face and scream. The man's face was painted with blood and his left cheek was gone, revealing his teeth. YUCK! The man is groaning and trying to eat me. AHH! ZOMBIE!!! I NEED TO STOP HIM BEFORE HE BITES ME! I grabbed the mop and shoved it at his face as hard as I could. I fell to the ground and so did the zombie. AHH! I NEED SOMETHING STRONGER THAN A STUPID MOP! I shoved him back and searched under the sink for a weapon. I grabbed an aerosol can of disinfectant. I sprayed it in the monster's eyes. Nothing happened, the zombie still shuffled toward me. GREAT...AT LEAST HE SMELLS BETTER. I need something stronger. I looked at the bathroom stall and yanked the pole off of the wall. I grasped the pole like a bat and swung at the undead man. WHOO HOMERUN! The pole smacked the head clean off of the body. SNAP! The body fell to the ground. I gathered myself together and ran out of the bathroom. The whole sports room reeked of death. There are more zombies in the room. Cindy is not in here anymore. I HOPE SHE MADE IT, I STILL HAVE TO ASK HER OUT!  I GOTTA GET OUT OF THIS BAR FROM HELL!

 I ran to the staff room door and tackled it. I ran up the staircase and sprinted into the staff lounge. I saw Cindy's body walk into the staff room lockers. I need to find out what is happening. I grab the doorknob when the window in the next room shatters. I stop and find the mess. A dark figure crawls through the windowsill. The body cuts itself along the edges. It collapses on the floor and I begin to recognize the face. It is my brother, Orville. His eyes are glazed white, and his forehead is covered in gaping scrapes. A basketball sized hole replaces where his stomach used to be. At that point I concluded he is no longer my brother. Just a walking hungry husk. I need to put him to rest.  I shuffled to find a weapon sharp enough to stab the weakened forehead.  I recall last night there was a birthday party for Jack and we surprised him with a big cooked pig. The butcher knife has to be in here somewhere...Think Will who cleaned up last night?...Kyle! He always puts dishes in the trash. Sloppy son of a gun! Sure enough there is the knife. I grabbed the knife and I am taken down by Orville. Now as I lay on the ground, Orville is struggling to bite me. My younger brother...My friend for many years. His groans and grunts sound like pleas to be sent away. I break free from his grapple and I raise my knife over his face. Before I follow through with the strike, all of my memories of Orville flooded my head. All that Orville was is now gone.I return to reality and successfully stab the forehead. Bye brother, I see you smiling from above. I compose myself and run to the locker room but the door was locked. I don't have the key, Cindy must have escaped or something worse happened. Stay positive, negativity feeds on fear.  I need to keep moving.

I remember Jack telling me the loading shutter leads to the rooftop. I open the door to the wine storage room. I lock the door behind me, none of the those freaks have the key. I jog up the stairs and reach the wine storage room. The shutter did not need a key, only the forklift needs a key. I press the button and the shutter opens slowly. Before leaving the room, I see a long plank of wood. I will need a "tight rope" to get across the gap between the bar and apartments. I bust through the door and hear screams and bullet shots.

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