The Hive: ELENA

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Beep Beep Beeeeeeep...Flatline. Ian! Please don't die!... He is gone. Everything he was is now gone,replaced by a bloodthirsty monster. I grabbed the scalpels on the tray and ended Ian's agony. All of doctors are either dead or dying. I do remember George and Dr. Scott talking about the surgery for Alvin Gomez. The night was busy like always but before I could bring the blood infusions, the beginning of the end happened. The rooms went dark, screams of our patients fill the night. That all happened last night. I still don't know what happened to the resident doctors. I do know that George left to check something at home before all of this mess happened. Sylvia was with George before he left in the 2F Doctor's Office. She called my pager before the power went out about two hours ago. She was going to find a way for the survivors to escape the Hospital. When the power went out, the main system automatically followed the code RED directive. All shutters closed and the generators went operational. Only the lights and elevators can be used during the code RED phase. I need to get back in contact with Sylvia. She told me she would be back in an hour.

If there is a slight chance to get out of this forsaken hospital, let alone Raccoon City.

I will take it!

It's been over an hour and a half. Where are you Sylvia? Maybe if I... (THUD...BOOM!) SYLVIA! The staff room does not offer much protection. I remember Ian boasting about his knife collection, especially when Dave played with one and stab his arm. I remember since I was the one who bandaged him up. Ian's locker was unlocked. Inside there are some knife magazines and a few packs of cigarettes but no knives. How about the magazine...maybe something that could help me. After some searching, an article had instructions about how to make a shiv. I wrapped two scalpels with some gauze. Now all I need is something to...(THUD...SHATTER! GROAN) What was... Indra! Indra was crawling through the window and fell to the floor. Indra no longer had her beautiful set of hazel eyes. Half of her organs are hanging out from a watermelon sized gash, her kidney and liver are missing. Indra did not hesitate. I saw a former friend she sees her next meal. I reach for my premature shiv and get ready to strike. Indra shambles closer to me. I release all of my memories and stab her in the prefrontal lobe (forehead). Indra sprays ribbons of red and crumbles to the ground. Sylvia, I won't give up. I gathered my composure and grabbed the doorknob. The 3F Hallway is surprisingly empty. It was replaced with the stench of death. The stairs were not an option. The shutters stopped any monsters and any survivors from escaping the hospital. The Nurse Break Room might be where Sylvia is. She might be in here. Sylvia always helped me when we were in med school. The tests were so frustrating. I was way better at the exercises, and Sylvia always got queasy when she saw blood. We were so glad that our schedules were the same. We would go and get coffee during our breaks. Those were the nights. The worst thing for us was going down to the basement. Lots of rumors were spread about Umbrella creating a new vaccine program involving leeches. One of Umbrella's founding fathers, James Marcus conducted research involving leeches and bats. One night when I went to pick up the organ transplant from the basement, I could've sworn I heard some man screaming in the morgue. When I went to open the door, the doorknob could turn but the keycard terminal was red. I tried to use my ID card but it did not open. It flashed orange, which meant I didn't have the clearance. I went to go back into the elevator, but I stepped on something. I squashed it and blood got all over my shoes and scrubs. I turned around and saw three leeches squirming around the morgue door. The screams behind the door stopped and the leeches began to crawl up the walls and into the vent. I told this to Sylvia and she agreed that Umbrella definitely was up to no good. Ever since that night, I knew there were secrets this hospital was hiding. The Nurse Break Room was a terrible mess. I remember all the times when all of the nurses would be here checking their pagers, gossiping and napping. A few corpses were on the ground. Each body had a big gaping hole over their hearts. The holes are quite fresh. Post-mortem. Who or what would interested in removing the heart from corpses? The elevator was still operational. I could chose the first floor or the basement...The first floor has the ID modifier. I could rewrite my card to work for the second floor of the basement and the rooftop. To the first floor. I pulled out my shiv and kept it close to my neck. I opened the elevator and Alvin was slouched in the corner. He was still breathing. Alvin! It's me Elena. I was helping you with your surgery. Do you need assistance? Alvin sighed and took a deep breath, "Thank you Elena for your concern but I really need you to kill me. I gasped, "Why would you ask me that? You still have the choice to live." Alvin argues, "Nurse, I don't wish to live like a human. I wish to walk the life as a zombie. They don't have pain. I can be just like them. I was the one removing the hearts. I was figuring out what makes them tick. Nurse, do me one last favor." I would never chose to hurt anyone, that is why I became a nurse. "Sorry Alvin, I will not break my promise to help people become healthy. I refuse to hurt you Alvin." Alvin stands up and starts walking toward me. "Fine then, I will do it myself." He lunges to take my shiv and I throw it out of the elevator. He jumps out and runs to find the shiv. I close the elevator and press the 1F button. I only hope Alvin finds peace somewhere else, not in the realm of death. The elevator stops at the first floor and I only hope things get better. I walk through the haunted hallway past the dark corners. I need to find the Uniform room, there I will find the ID card modifier. I open the door and hear a woman scream across the hall. I turn around and see Sylvia running away from a large brown creature. "Elena! HELP ME! Holld the door open! It can't open doors!" I hold the heavy door and let Sylvia through. I close the door and we both take a breath of relief. "Sylvia what was that?!" Sylvia catches her breath and slowly explains, "Umbrella's pride and joy, a creature of destruction. An abomination of leeches. The leeches commanded the corpse. The monster is quickly killing the survivors. The corpse used to be Tom. Tom was bitten by a dog. A dog, that chomped on Tom's neck. Blood spewed past the clavicle. Tom had no chance. A minute after he died. His body was swarmed by leeches. The leeches reanimated Tom. And Tom is now a Leech-Man. Elena, we are the only survivors in this cursed hospital. We have to leave ASAP!" "Sylvia that is terrible...this can't be true. When you were with George during the blackout, what happened?" "George was able to escape. He was on the rooftop and he boarded a helicopter. When I was on the rooftop I saw a man hold a rifle pointed at the helicopter. He did not shoot but he disappeared when he pressed a button on his techbelt. I hope he did not see me." So the rooftop is not an option. The only way to go is down. We swipe the authorized card and gained access to the lower levels.The elevator began to shake after a few minutes then it came to a complete stop. "This is not the basement" I whispered. We looked around and found the emergency valve. Began to turn the valve then the lights went entirely out. Complete darkness. We kept turning the valve until it refused to turn. We grabbed the door handles, hoping that it was only the elevator that was affected by the blackout. The door creaked as it revealed a ceiling duct. Below us was the basement but it was to risky to jump down. We agreed to bust open the duct and I would crawl forward and Sylvia would crawl behind me. I climbed in. The duct was cold, compact and dark. I am glad I am not claustrophobic, but I am definitely still afraid of jump scares. After a few minutes of aimless crawling, we found light. We broke through and arrived in the BF1. The blood bank room had some light but there was no way we could get out of the room using the front door. It was blocked with too many pieces of debris. If the debris was moved out of the way, the door could be opened. Looking closer, I see it has a card reader. The light was off so it needs electricity supplied to the door and hallway. I know there has to be a way to keep moving on. Even though the room has one door to go in and out, there is one place that can offer some direction. The refrigerator that maintains the blood packs has an access passage which leads back into the Electric Grid room. The only problem is there is only enough space for one of us to go through the narrow passage. Who will go into the dark narrow passage? I decided it would be better for me to go in. Sylvia will stay and move the debris out of the way. I held the knife in my hand and took a deep breath before going into the dreadfully narrow passage. I wandered through the maze of hissing pipes and only hoped I would not get lost. The light began to slowly fade ahead of me. Oh no! I was now blindly bumping into pipes and walls....A voice echoed through the passage, "Please...someone...I am stuck! Someone!" I kept moving forward. The sound of a man struggling grew closer. I need to make a decision to help him or help myself. I hesitantly replied, "Hi! I am not a monster. I am a nurse. Where are you!?" "Over here...closer...closer." I kept moving and then I stopped. I hear a gun cock and I knew this was a trap. This was not a victim who needs help, its a murderer. I crouch as low as I can and listen. "Silly girl, you can not fool me." I saw a shadow pass by the wall. I wait. Then a man with a gun comes into view. I hid the knife. A flashlight blinds me and the man is getting closer. "You, nurse, show me the way to the rooftop. That's an order!" "I am sorry but I cannot help you when I stuck in here, please help me out then I can show you the way." I mustered all my courage and hoped he would take the bait. He stops then puts a hand out. I grab it and he helps me out of the pipes. We are in the maintenance hallway of the basement. I needed to find a way to distract him. I know! I pointed down the hallway and he went in front of me. I quickly pull out the blood pack and "accidently" drop it. I pull out the knife and puncture the side and I throw the blood on him. I step back and go the opposite way. The man turns around and was going to shoot when the pipes overhead started to rattle. He shouts, "What the---" The Leechman Man makes his appearance.
Its a ubcs that tries to abuse Elena

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