Below Freezing Point: Monica

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Eye on the prize, girl. Money is the game. Brr its cold...Its hard to believe five weeks ago the staff break room was full of buzzing and arguing Umbrella scientists. The T-Virus, beautiful yet so very repulsive. The room is hauntingly quiet. Black monitor screens and messy desks. The smell of rotten coffee fills the room. The bed is no longer a place of comfort. The creations are outside of my damaged sanctuary. Last night I had to put Jerry out of his misery. He already was bitten by Rodney. I still haven't found Rodney's keys to open level B-5F. Here I sit, B-4F exhausting every idea. Then my luck changed. One of the black screens flickered and a camera began to focus on something moving. I rose up from the bed and checked the screen. There is Rodney, in room B5F with the keys hanging on his neck. He was shuffling to the air duct passages. I know how to get there. Rodney you are ironically my hero tonight.

I left the room with my taser and keys to the main elevator. I dashed to the elevator. I press the button..."Why is it not working? Come on. Come on! Oh,great something else I have to fix.Stupid piece of junk!." I turned around. I began to walk toward the T-passage shaft. I then heard stressed exhales. I peek around the corner and see a super licker ( ). I needed to sneak around it and go to the turntable deck. I crept to the next corner kept moving quietly. I reach the turntable and my beeper starts to ring. NO!! I turn my head to see the licker darting after me! I sprint and look for a loose vent grill to find a way out. Chester told me one time a vent grill fell down when he was using the turntable train. Gah! WHERE is it!? The licker is less than a few meters. Suddenly a rat squeaks close to my waist and pops through the vent. Found it! I yanked it off the wall. I thrust myself into the small tunnel. I kept crawling but got stuck after a few seconds. The licker was talon was caught on the heel of my shoes. Fine take my shoe! I gave a kick to its face and kept crawling. Inventory; taser, keys, and one less shoe.

The vents were like a labyrinth, each turn I took, more chances to get lost. Finally I bust through a vent. It was so cold. Ice was forming on the floor. Victor Frost, captain of the idiots, decided to freeze the whole laboratory to stop the Hunters. Well everything was great until he forgot I was still here and I can't stand the cold! Anyways... He died after pulling the switch and here we are breathing in the WinterHorrorLand. I stand up and see I am in the B7F South Passage. I need to check the chemical disposal room down the hall. I heard the alarm the other night and thought the storage area was disrupted. I open the door and hear thumping against the wall. What? I peek around the corner and see Chester pounding on the glass. He was no longer human. His face was now painted with blood and scratches. His hands were now missing fingers and bones were exposed. I see the storage room door slightly ajar. The control panel was buzzing and not reacting to code combinations. Behind Chester are the keys to the B6F. I took a second and remembered what Chester said about the storage room. The experimental plant growing through the ducts ripped through the storage area. It must be where the poison gland is activating the chemical alarm. Well, Chester must have checked it out. Alone. And ended up being exposed to a lethal amount, which consequently killed him, and reanimated him. I looked around the room and I found a respirator. Cool, this can reduce the amount of particles I breathe in. I put it on and ready myself to get the keys. I squeezed through the gap and look at Chester. Sorry Chester, I need those keys more than you do. I charge the taser and make contact on his chest. It shocks him so much that he falls onto the ground. He began to spasm every three seconds. I reached into his chest pocket and find the keys. Great. I turn around and I fall face first. I look and see my ankle is being wrapped by an angry green vine. The plant must sense me. I look at where the poison gland is. A large mouth-like hole forms on the side. Great the Killer Salad wants to eat me! I try using the taser but there was not enough electrical charge. I need to cut this new but disgusting "anklet". I was being pulled closer to the mouth. I brushed against Chester and saw the answer to my problem. An exacto was attached to his belt loop. I yanked on the handle and swiped the blade out. I start cutting the vine, frantically. This was my debut to become a lumberjack. I cut through half of the vine, the vine loses it's grip. I give it a swift kick and I break free. I zip through the gap and take a deep breath of freedom. Wow, cannibal vegetable. I pulled out the keys and looked for B5F. Walking back into the hallway I heard some footsteps echo down the hall. Who could it be? I dash over to my vent spot and chose to hide there. The person slowly walks past me and I look through the vent slits. It was a woman in a green jacket with a backpack. Wait...its Yoko! Is she trying to steal the sample? Well it belongs to me! I listened to her talking to herself. She pulled out her identity card. Crap where did I leave mine? I have to use my card to come back to the turn-table for the train. She opens a door and leaves the room. I decide to go into the computer room on the B5F. Maybe I left my card there? I I traveled through the vents and found a room that had a loose vent. I poke through the room and I am in the hallway of B5F. I stood up and see the larvae from the moth crawling all around the ground. The computer room door was left open. Why? I peer through the window and see a woman in pink trapped on the wall. She was still breathing but was definitely unconscious. The Giant Moth must have found a new meal. I walk in carefully. I search for my card. I find it stuck inside of the computer slot. I pull it out and leave the room. I take a last glance at the woman in pink and tell her, "Stay away from Yoko, she brings you bad luck." I walk out the room and see Rodney banging on the Virus sample room. Rodney, once again you get the award for helping a lady out. I pull out the exacto and prepare to strike. I thrust the blade into Rodney's forehead. I step back and give a strong kick into his chest. Rodney falls and decorates the floor with ribbons of blood. The kick was for standing me up and going on a date with Yoko. Stupid Rodney, I totally deserved better. I take his keys and open the P-4 Virus sample lab.

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