I ran through the forest and to my tree fort. I quickly climbed the tree and sat down on the floor. I sighed and laid back. My adrenaline was still pumping, but as I started to relax and calm down, it faded out of my system. I wasn't ready to get up yet, so I reached for a book on my back and started reading like that.

I sat in my treehouse for hours, reading one book after another. I've read all the books in my treehouse more than once, but they are so good, that I just love reading them. Some of them are newer since I got them out of the library a little while ago, but that's not many.

I fell asleep in my tree house, like normal.


When I woke up, it was six o'clock in the morning. I sighed as I looked out my window and up at the sky. I sat up, but the moment I moved, instant pain shot up my body, alerting me to slow down.

Oh yeah, I forgot I almost got raped and beat up instead.

I pushed myself up, slowly this time, and climbed down the tree. It took a lot of effort to actually do this. I walked home and entered the house through the back door. Since the back door was connected to the kitchen, I could easily slid into the house, and cook my father some breakfast before waking him up and rushing to school.

I placed my phone on charge before I started cooking. It was almost dead from using it so much the day before and not charging it for a whole day.

I cooked the eggs, bacon and toast. I made myself two pieces of toast to make up for not eating yesterday. I set the food on the table, grabbed my phone off of the charger, before I quietly walked upstairs. I walked into my room and grabbed my satchel. I didn't bother to change since nobody saw me in this outfit, so I didn't have to worry about that, and I didn't do anything besides sit and read, and then slept, so it's not like my clothes are dirty.

I left my room and stopped in front of my father's door. I took a deep breathe and counted to three, before yelling, "Time to get up!" I bolted after that, even though my body protested against this, I pushed it to go anyways.

Dad swing his door open by the time I made it to the front door. I slammed the door shut and ran down the street like normal. I slowed down when I got a block away and walked slowly, letting my body recover from the sudden push.

I plugged in my earbuds and listened to the song, Fighter by Christina Aguilera. I only had one earbud in and I was constantly looking around, afraid someone might grab me again. As I listened to this song, I started to feel tougher, like I could do anything today. I put this song on replay and kept listening to it, hoping I can hold onto this strength.

When I made it to school, I walked straight to my class, not stopping to my locker or anything. Everyone stared at me and pointed, but I just turned up my music and blocked them out. I was able to put my other earbud in since I was in a public domain and didn't have as much to worry about.

I walked back to my seat and leaned back in my chair. Suddenly, one of my earbuds are ripped out of my ear. I glared up at the culprit and saw Ness looking down at me, sort of smug. "What happened to you? Did Daddy finally get tired of dealing with your skanky ass and sell you off to the highest bidder? What was the price for you? A dollar?" Ness sneered at me.

I snorted and stood up, tired of everything. "Yeah, right, at least I have a dad, and you have no right to call me a 'skank'. At least I don't open my legs up to every guy in the city. How much did the last guy pay you? A penny? Probably not even that much." I said, smirking.

She gaped at me for a moment before her face morphed into a look of pure fury. "At least I didn't kill my own brother!" she yelled out and I snapped. I punched her square in the nose. She stumbled backwards and hit the desks, almost rolling over them.

"Don't you dare!" I screamed at her. I grabbed her by her hair and bashed the back of her head off the desk a few times before shoving her over the row of desks. I looked around the room and saw everyone wore the same face that told of pure shock and fear.

"What?!" I snapped at them, and everybody automatically looked away. I started walking towards the door, done with today already. I saw the boys and Sofia standing there, watching me.

"Lee?" Sofia called to me. I walked right past them and down the hall. Sofia and them chased after me. "Hey, Lee. What happened?" People made an opening after seeing me coming, hearing the spread of gossip already.

"Nothing happened. Go away." I growled.

"Lee-" Sofi started before I turned back to her, completely pissed off.

"Shut up!" I yelled. "I'm not your friend, I'm not your family, I'm nothing to you, so just leave me alone!" I started to walk away again, when someone grabbed my arm and threw me over their shoulder. I cried out in pain, but they just kept walking.

I saw the boys and Sofia walking behind us, and realized it was Hayden who picked me and was carrying me on their shoulder. I started shoving at his back, trying to free myself from his grasp. "Let me go, Hayden!" I yelled. The front doors slammed open and Hayden walked down the stairs.

He walked us over to his car and shoved me in the backseat, before getting into the driver seat. Sofia sat in the passenger seat, not looking at me, and the twins flanked my sides. Nash and Lance got onto their motorcycles and decided to follow us.

I felt a little bad about yelling at Sofia like that, especially since she has done nothing wrong, but I was so blinded by anger and sadness, I didn't care who I lashed out at. After I was in the car, and we started to drive away from the school, I calmed down and started to think things through.

"Where are we going?" I asked, defeated.

"Shut up, Kaylee." Hayden growled ferociously at me, glancing up at the rearview mirror, briefly making eye contact. "Don't speak." I saw a threat lying behind his eyes, so I just crossed my arms over my chest and waited for this ride to be over.

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