Image 3: Part 3

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Image 3: Part 3

Saying that being on this quest was interesting is an understatement. Especially escaping the elves by traveling in the river in barrels. Now this is an adventure!

Once we had all been dropped into the water, we waited for my brother then I let the water run faster for us to escape without being followed easily. Bilbo had to hold onto my barrel for the ride.

Then they shut the god damn gates, and we had no control anymore. Elves and orcs appeared and we fought our best without weapons. I had the trees kill orcs and push away elves, till I saw the leaver.

"The leaver!" I exclaimed, and got out of my barrel to push it down.

I dodged a few arrows and willed a tree branch to expand around me, so I don't get shot when turned. After that I hear multiple arrows hitting the tree bark and I pull the extremely heavy leaver down. Clicking is heard and I get out of the tree branch and let it go back to its original state.

I jump into the water and grab into the barrel with Thorin in it since he's the closest to me. "Hold tight!" Thorin yells at me.

I get the river to run faster and overflow with water so it's not a bumpy ride. "Sheylyn!" I hear Bilbo yell and I put up my hand so he knows I'm safe.

Orcs attack us along the way and I hear their commands, 'Do not let them get away!' 'Kill them all!' And my personal favourite, 'Kill, kill, ki-' then he fell into the water making a gurgling noice.

We hit a very large rock which was unavoidable, and from the impact, my fingers slip and I slip in the water, having it fill my lungs.

I turn and turn over and over again, in the endless river. I don't hear anything but water slushing around, and yells of dwarves and orcs.

I will the water to move me up, and soon air fills my lungs and I gasp for breathe. "Sheylyn!" Everyone yells, noticing I'm alive.

I'm in the front of the gang (for some odd reason) and I path the way for my fellow friends as they ride the barrels.

Soon, we've lost the elves and orcs and we find a rocky shore to get our feet onto. I'm the first to crawl into the rocks and gasp for breathe. My energy is drained both physically and mentally.

"Sheylyn!" I hear Bilbo call and he hugs me to his chest, "Don't you ever do that again, you hear! You scared me half to death!"

All I can do is nod, shakily and breathe in and out. I was scared half to death, is what I wanted to say, but I can't.

"Shey!" Everyone else cries and hugs me in the biggest group hug I've ever had.

I open my eyes to see Thorin and Dwalin off to the side, having a private conversation. My heart sinks, Thorin doesn't care if I'm okay or not.

"I need rest." I mutter and Bilbo leads me to the forest where I can get my energy back. He stays with me while I sink into the ground and I realize I have to tell my brother something.


"Yes Shey?"

"Can I tell you a secret?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

Sure enough he answers, "Of course."

I take a deep breathe, and feel the energy seep into my body from the earth into my hands, feet, legs, stomach, and arms. Everywhere that is covered in earth, the only part that isn't is my head, so I may speak. "I think, I have a crush on someone in the company." I half confess.

I hear Bilbo shift his position, "Who?" He asks with a high pitch voice.

I bite my lip, "Thorin."

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