Image 2: Part 4

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Image 2:     Part 4

It's been a full year, and today we celebrate. I went to court, won the case, the men who chased me got arrested for ten years in jail time, and the lady who hit me with her car, only got one year jail time since it was both our faults. I had gotten my sight back just as the doctors said, and I have a few scars but really, who cares? Today was the day I could have died, today was the day we fought, today was my birthday.

"Happy birthday!" Everyone screamed.

I smiled so wide, I think I ripped my skin a bit, but it mattered not. I front of me I had my family, my best friends, a few coworkers, and best of all, my Tom. His smile was the only thing I could look at.

"Happy birthday love, now make a wish." He wrapped his arms around me and I closed my eyes, then blew out the candles, leaving one.

"Ha! Sheylyn has a boyfriend!" My young seconds cousin pointed out.

I turned and looked at Tom, "Yes I do."

Tom's smile turned into a straight line, "No you don't."

Everyone froze. It felt like ice in the building now, and fear clawed my back.

"W-what?" I asked, my voice wavering.

"Tom, what do you mean dear?" His mother asked.

Tom returned his smile, dig out a small box from his jacket, and got down on one knee. Everyone gasped, and my hands shot up to my face, "Oh my god."

"She will no longer have a boyfriend if she says yes to me being her husband." His voice was soft and smooth, "this isn't how I planned it, not the date, setting or the speech. But, I'll try my best to make this as special as I can for the most special lady I love. Sheylyn, I can't say I fell in love with you at first glance, I fell for you before I could see you. I had gone to a fancy restaurant and had just sat down when a beautiful laugh reached my ear. You had been putting up one of your paintings when someone said something to make you laugh. I was determined to see you and your work so I had left to find a stunning masterpiece. Your art is amazing, Shey." Everyone laughs, and tears roll down my face, I've always loved a man with humour.

"Then I saw the most breathtaking woman, wearing a black flowing dress, a blue diamond necklace, and a glowing smile. I had noticed no ring so guess what I did? I had to ask you for dinner and of corse you had said-"

"Oh Romeo, I'd love to" I giggle out. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see my mother rolling her eyes; she thought Shakespeare was rubbish.

"And from that moment on, I knew I'd fall for you so hard it would hurt. So,  I guess you could say I fell for your charm before your beauty. Shey, will you do me the honour of becoming Sheylyn ______ Huddleston?"

By now, streams of tears were coming down like fricken Niagara Falls. "I guess my wish is coming true. Yes, yes, yes, Tom, a million times yes."

He put the ring on my finger and we kissed, earning wolf whistles and cheers from all around.

"I love you." Tom whispers, smiling bigger than the Cheshire Cat.

I respond with my own smile, "I love you."


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