Image 2: Part 2

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I don't know how I woke, but when I did, all I could see was pitch dark, hear an annoying constant beeping, and feel an extent amount of pain. I tried to look around but realized the reason for the darkness was that I haven't opened my eyes.

Once I did, I went into a panic and the beeping got faster; I could still not see.

"Tom?" I call out to the darkness. I don't get any response so I call out again, "Doctor?" Surely I must be at the hospital. Nothing, no one answered so that only set off my panic into a panic attack.

"Help!" I screamed out clutching my chest with my good arm. There was pressure on my other arm and I had hoped I still had it connected to my body.

I heard a squeak of shoes and a soft, deep voice saying, "Hey, hey it's ok." But I knew I was not okay.

"Help!" I called out again with a broken voice. Not a second later I felt someone hold me down and a calm, gentle female voice, "Hold her down, she is in shock. I need back up!"

The person holding me down I had no clue, but it was someone with muscles and must have had short hair since her or his face was near mine.

"Sheylyn M. You are in shock, I need you to calm down." The what I assumed was a doctor told me.

"Why can't I see!?" I scream out.

"Hunny, please calm down, Sheylyn..." then I knew who was holding me down; Tom, my Tom.

I calmed down a bit but went back into a panic when the doctor told me, "Your concussion had damaged your eyesight and-"

She didn't finish as I sobbed and screamed, the pain all over my body intensifying and my head hurt.

"You need back up?" Asked a new voice. I panicked more knowing that I'd either be drugged or in pain.

"Get me something to get her to calm down! Hurry!" The female voice heard my distress.

"Here you go! I'll help hold her!" He yelled and right after he spoke I felt two new pairs of hands holding me down.

"She's strong! More backup!"

Soon I felt five pairs of hands holding me down, being gentle for my wounds but firm. I felt a pressure on my bad arm and yelled out in pain; it hurt as much as the glass marks on my body.

"Let her go!" Tom yelled and everybody let go immediately.

"Thank you all." The female thanked and I could hear feet shuffling out the door, then silence.

I breathed hard and felt my body relaxing by its own record. "Tom?" I ask.

"Yes Sweetheart?" His voice was soft and I wish I could see his face.

"How bad is it?"

He sighs then whispers, "Your still beautiful."

A tear slides down my eye and I hear for the doctor, "Do you know if I will get my vision back?"

She was so quiet I barely heard her answer, "Yes, we think you'll get it back within a week."

I continue to cry and soon hear the doctor whisper to Tom, "I'll leave you two be. She will be woosy in about half an hour so if she drifts off into sleep, let her. She needs the rest. I'll be back before she can go into the sleep."

Then the squeaky shoes echo into the hallway and disappears.

I'm still crying when I feel two arms on my good arm and I flinch away, scared and not knowing who it is.

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