Image 1 Part 2

17 1 1

Image 1     Part 2

When I wake, I notice I'm not in my bed. I'm not even home. I look around and see bars and cement walls.

"Where am I?" I ask myself.

I take a look around and see a chain on my leg and walk to the bars to take a look of where I'm at.

A man with an ugly scar on his face comes close and whispers, "Your in HYDRA my dear. Welcome to hell."

I scream and go back to my uncomfortable bed. The man chuckles and jingles the keys mockingly.

I sob into my hands at the realization: Steve will be so sad to not find me crying on our bed. The Avengers will take a while to find me. And worst of all: HYDRA will try and get information from me. Most likely I'll break. This scares me to no end.

The man opens the door and unlocks my ankle then harshly grabs my arm. I yell and try to yank him off but he slaps me and I follow suit.

"Lets see what we can get from you." He whispers more on my neck than my ear.

I flinch and try not to look at the blood stained nursing station ahead. Tools of all kind hang on the wall like decoration. A bright light hangs overhead of the waiting patient table; It waits for me.

He throws me on the bed-table thingy and three other men come from the corners of the room to tie me down.

I thrash about and try my best to not get tied but it's no use. I haven't eaten in a while so I'm weak plus these men look like they bench 24/7.

"The master is waiting for you. He will be with you shortly." He says it like I'm a patient and exits the room.

The three other men all stare at me and then two leave, leaving one man to guard me. I glare at him as hard as I can but all I get is a smirk.

The door opens suddenly and I jump up in surprise. A man with only half a real face enters the room and snaps on long gloves. The human side of his face looks burnt to a crisp. The other side is mechanical. It has wires hanging out, glowing buttons, and grease gathering in a few spots. He seems fairly tall and walks with a limp. His right arm had wires running through his flesh while his left is burnt to the extreme. His whole being looked to be feared.

"Have you been a bad girl?" He asks, showing me one of his tools. It's a long stick with electric cables running free through the end. I suppose it's used as a whip but electrics you at the same time it touches the human flesh.

I shiver uncomfortably but say nothing. He won't get anything from me.

"I know who you are, Sheylyn. I know your importance to the Avengers and your purpose at the tower. I know how to break you, and I will." He creeps towards me.

I try not to flinch, try not to show him he has power. The whip touches the floor and crackling sounds echo the room. I jump and mentally roll my eyes at myself.

"Ah yes, I know everything, Shey." He taunts me with my own name, "I know your weakness. I know your strengths. I know you."

I avert my glare to him. I say nothing with my mouth.

"Get me number 0771 formula." He commands to the guard.

The guard turns sharply and exits the room. Within seconds he's back with a glass jar full of a teal liquid. It bubbles from the bottom to the top and looks thick.

"Yes!" The master takes the formula and waves off the guard to go somewhere else. Then he tips the formula so it's on its side, but only for a few seconds to show the thickness of the liquid. It's thick, it doesn't even move when he tips it on its side, not for the five seconds anyways.

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