Image 2: Part 3

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Image 2:     Part 3

When I woke again, it was from stomach acid making its way out of my mouth.

"Here." Dianna hands me a large bowl. I make a gurgling sound and yellowish brown liquid gushes out of my nose and mouth.

I cry as more burning acid bites my sinuses.

"Here, take this. It will calm down the puking." She hands me two small pills that gleam in the light. One side is yellow and the other is brown, the colours make me feel more sick and I have the sudden urge to throw up more.

She hands me a glass of water and I take a swig first then the pills and swallow the whole glass.

"Thanks." I croak out while handing her the empty glass.

She nods and looks over the machines beeping. They're annoying but sadly I've got used to them beeping steadily through the day and night.

"Where-where is T-" I ask shakily but she interrupts me with a, "He left only about ten minutes ago. He said he had some important business to attend. He also wanted me to give you this," she hands me an envelope that's quite big and heavy. "He said you should look in it as soon as possible but he also said that you should open it while your alone."

This sounds suspicious to me so I just nod and stuff it under my lap. "Did he say when he'd be back?" I ask quietly.

She tells me, "No." I sigh, what am I supposed to do now other than throw up and feel crappy all day?

"I don't suppose you have any music I could listen to? When you leave I just don't want to feel...lonely." I ask softly.

"Yes, we've got a tv or a radio. Which do you prefer?" She touches my hand which made me jump.

"The tv please. Something like rock, if you don't mind."

"Of course." Her cheery voice slightly ticks me off but I take a deep breath-which almost turns into a puke-then hear the clicking of the channels changing.

"Here. It should play some decent music for you for a while. I'll be leaving then coming back later on at lunch. You'll be fine till then?" She asks while she hands me a glass of water and guides me to the tray beside my bed.

"Yes, thank you." I reply. I hear the clicking of her shoes leaving and sit still, absorbing my surroundings and trying to get rid of the gross feeling.

I feel warm from the flu and covers of the bed sheets, I can hear the distant talk amongst others outside my room and the song "Do This Anymore" by Nickelback plays loud from the tv in front of me. I can smell a faint smell of syrup and butter from breakfast and a loaded smell of hospital that seeps out from the building itself. I can't see anything but I can imagine the room all a soft white color with a match of light yellow.

I should have asked Dianna to open that window for me, I think as I cringe of the sick smell.

I sit still for a few minutes just feeling everything around me when all or a sudden a hand touches mine. I gasp-more like squeak- and pull away.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I thought you knew I was here." A deep male voice says casually. I don't recognize his voice and scoot to the other side of the bed.

"Who are you?" I ask still hesitant of the new stranger.

"Oh, I'm a patient from next door. I was going to the lounging area when I saw you. I didn't know who you were and wanted to come see you. You are beautiful..." he whispers the last part.

I lightly blush, not used to the complement from a stranger and whisper back, "Thank you."

"Why are you here, at the hospital?" He asks.

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