Image 3: Thorin Oakenshield

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Image 3:     Thorin Oakenshield

Me and my brother, Bilbo, were just getting ready to eat when a knock at the door suddenly entered our ears.

"Shey, did you invite anyone over?" Bilbo asks.

I shake my head 'no' and we both stare at each other in shock and fear.

I start to get up from my chair when Bilbo stops me, "If I yell, run and find help."

I look at him worryingly and he gets the door. Not a second later, a large, buff dwarf comes and sits in Bilbo's spot to eat. After he is done, I give him my plate.

After that, our home seemed to be invested with dwarves. "No please don't touch that!" "Put that down!" "No!" Were the few things my brother and I had yelled at the dwarves. Then, the wizard entered.

We were furious, our home reeked of the wild, mud was to be found in every corner, and it was so loud the whole Bagg-end probably could hear our house. "I suspect you have something to do with this?" I ask the smiling wizard.

"Indeed, although it was your brother who had me intent this happen." He smokes his pipe and blows the smoke in the direction of Bilbo.

I huff and tap him on the shoulder, "You had something to do with this?" He shakes his head horrified, "Gandalf said you did."

"Why I-" he was cut off by a sharp knock and everyone paused.

"He is here." Gandalf whispers dramatically.

I open the door to find a very good looking dwarf, with long, black hair and beard. His eyes were dark and brown, and seemed to hold secrets only the old would know.

"H-hello." I attempt to speak to the hottie. He turns his head in my direction and his gaze pauses. He seemed to study me until the wizard came into his view. He had no emotion, and kept a straight face as he studied me. While I, on the other hand, smiled widely at the newbie.

"Gandalf." He turns to the tall man. I look down, wondering what he had thought of me. I head back to the kitchen to find my brother muttering colourful words under his breathe.

"Bilbo, why are all these men here?" I ask him quietly.

I jump as I hear a new voice enter the once two way conversation, "These are not men, Sheylyn, these are dwarves from the blue mountains. They are here to get a burglar so they may reclaim their homeland at the Lonely Mountain."

I forrow my brows, "Who is their burglar; they won't find one till they get out of Bagg-end."

"Oh, trust me they found one already here." He mutters staring at the floor.

"Who? Do I know him?" I ask. I'm starting to wonder if I could join this company on this quest.

He laughs and smiles down at me, "You'll find out soon enough my dear friend."

"Come, gather. We must talk about our mission." The handsome dwarf announces. Everyone gathers around the crowded table while Bilbo and I stay behind the crowd, but still in earshot.

A few things were said but quite honestly, I wasn't listening. Just watching the dark dwarf while he spoke among his people.

"Bilbo will be your burglar, if of course he agrees and signs the contract."

I turn to my brother to find him staring at a very large price of paper. "Bilbo, what are you agreeing on?" I ask, now confused and completely lost.

The dwarf who I had my eye on, huffed and chugged down his drink. I frowned and looked to Bilbo to see worry and fear in his eyes.

"Mater Bilbo will be their burglar." Gandalf nods at my muttering sibling.

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