Task 7 (Day 23)

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Alyas POV

"But duke!" I heard her complain through the wall.
"CAN YOU!?" She asked alot happier.
"Okay. Thanks Duke. I will. Bye!"

She came out of the room after hours of persuading The Duke to accept the trial.

"What did he say?" I asked, pushing the glasses up to my nose and switching off my phone to put it in my back pocket.

"He said that he cannot accept the trial. But he can change it." I hugged Marinette to switch on the TV and see the new trial.

"As a result of circumstances the princess has faced, she is unable to complete the current trial. As of such, she shall have a replacement trial. She will have to complete fully, with no exceptions or changes, a harder one. This will be more hard and fun then previous ones. Win Frost King&Queen."

"Frost king and queen. Not that hard is it?" She asked me.

"Mari, you know that girl who yelled 'Adrikens' in the hall when he was asking you to winter formal?" She nodded her head in response. "Well that was Chloe. The Queen Bee, of the school." I continued.

"So she always wins Frost Queen. Great. Just great." She massaged her temples and sighed.

"But on the bright side Adrien ALWAYS wins Frost King. So all you need to do is beat Chloe in the dance."

"Welp I'm not becoming Queen of France or the dance."

"Why not? You got the looks,personality what else do you want?"

"The skill of dancing."


"Today, not only will you learn the skill of Ballroom Dancing, but also the skill of elegance." The dance instructer spoke.

"Marinette dear. Come fourth with Edward here and try your hardest not to fall." She winked as I stepped towards Edward, her son.

"One,Two,three. One,Two,three." She changed as she clicked her fingers. The music played as we span around the room.

When the room fell silent again she clapped.

"I do not understand why you wanted these lessons in the first place. You don't need them. Your dancing is the pure definition of perfection."

"Thank you miss."

Now to win that title.

Okay I know I know. I have been posting short chapters I'm sorry.

But I'm in a huge writers block. Payback for writing 6 books at one huh?

Anyways I hope you enjoyed and don't be a silent reader, comment what you thought of and how I can improve..

Bye,Bye little butterflies!

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