Task 6 (Day 20-21)

74 6 1

Alyas P.O.V

I never thought a girl, a PRINCESS for that matter could possibly go through so much drama in a life. Jesus.

The Boys came n a while ago and Adrien is suspicious of Marinette.She hasn't come out of her room for an hour.

I keep telling him its because she is on the phone to her parents but he isnt buying it..

When she finnaly came out she was wearing a black hoodie with a green pawprint on the Middle. It also has two cat ears that are green on the black hood . She wore black shorts with green thred.

She walks over too Adrien and me sitting in the gap between us.

"Who wants to play Spin the Bottle?" Marinette said. I was internally choking.
"Sure." Everyone agreed.

But I saw the mischief in her eyes. Not like your day to say prank mischief. She had a plan. She was going to bend the rules. And break them.

"Okay I'm spinning it." She said grabbing the Bottle. It landed on me.

"Alya...I dare you to kiss..." She spun it again and it lends between Nathaniel and Nino. She knocked it so it pointed towards Nino. "Nino."

Oh you little.

I turned to face a blushing Nino.

I leaned in quickly to kiss him.

"Okay my turn." I said spinning the Bottle before anything could happen. It landed on Marinette."

"Marinette I dare you....to also kiss..."

I span it again.


She rolled her eyes and kissed him passionately on the lips.

"OKAY!" Nino said, awkwardly shuffling in the ground.

"Okay I'm doing another one XD" I span the Bottle before anyone could protest.

It landed on Nathaniel.

"Nathaniel. I dare you.." I span the Bottle again. "To kiss.." the Bottle continued spinning, and it landes on the one and only....


"HELL NAH!" Nino yelled and span the bottle again.

This time it landes on Marinette. She caught on and I could SEE the smoke coming out his ears.

She leaned in and packed him on the lips.

Task 6, complete.

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