chapter 8

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jacks p.o.v

i checked every nearby kingdom. no anna or other villagers. i flew back to the castle of arrendel. then i thought. castle.... all castles have dungeons! i cant believe i was so stupid. i flew into the castle and down into the basement. it was quiet. "hello?" i called. little kids ran up to the doors and cried. "let us out!" i looked into all of the cells until a came to one with a blonde boy and a girl with strawberry blonde hair, and a white streak. "are you anna? and sven?" the girl laughed. "thats not sven. this is kristoff. and yes im anna. who are you?" i smiled having an idea.

"i am your sisters lover. and she is going to marry hans because she thinks you decided it. and she thinks your ill." anna scoffed. "my sister isnt that nieve." i shook my head. "you'd think that. but she loves you too much to just take a chance. she doesnt know what to believe. help me save your sister. i... iloveher." anna put a hand up to her ear. "what? talk slower." i sighed. "i love her." she squealed and grabbed my hoodie through the door and pulled me to the bars which hurt really bad. "if you love my sister. than you will never hurt her or lie to me. alright let us out. my sister is going to make a HUGE mistake." i froze the lock and it busted open. "we will come back for all of you." anns grabbed my sleeve and ran up the stairs.

Elsa's p.o.v

i made a snow maid and had her tighten my corset. "my queen are you sure you want this?" she asked. she was sweet. i made her young and made sure she knew everything going on. i made her about my age. i made her look like anna. i missed her so much. "yes. it is to save anna. i need to do this." my maid sighed she tied up my corset and put my undergarmets on. she fixed the dress up. it was icy blue. i added frost along the top and in a wavy line at the bottom. my maid put my veil on and handed me the blue roses. "my lady. isnt there any other way?" i shrugged. "i dont know if there is. and i dont have anyother plan." my maid nodded and led me down the hallway. phillip waited at the franch doors that enter into the large ball room that we formed into an identical church room. i linked arms with phillip. the french doors opened slowly. i walked in pace with phillip to the wedding march. i felt tears as i saw hans. "that should be jack." phillip said as if reading my mind. i nodded.

it should be jack. he is the one that i love and want to marry. not Hans. phillip didnt hand me over to hans until i patted his arm. he slowly released me.  hans and i walked up the steps together. my hair looked the same as it did before i ran away. and i didnt like it. i felt so caged up. phillip was playing the part as the priest too. "i do." i herd hans say. the only audience we had was my snow gaurds. and my snow maids. "Elsa?" i looked up at phillip. "oh. i.... do." hans lifted up my veil and smiled brigging his face close to mine. his lips brished mine as someone burst through the doors. "Elsa!" that voice made my head snap in its direction. "Anna!" i tried to run to her but hans grabbed my wrist and pulled me behind him.

"why is it always you that ruins my plans. huh? i was seriously this close to being king of arrendel. god your such a pest." jack and kristoff ran up from behind anna. "jack." i felt tears in my eyes. jack saw this and clentched his fists. "let.go.of.Elsa!" he yelled. hans scoffed. "as if. first come first serve." hans pulled me to his chest and pulled my face to his and brought his face cenimeters from mine. "you shouldve proposed first." and he kissed me.

i pushed him away and wipped my lips and made a face. "ew. your kisses are like kissing a dogs butt. thats gross." jack smiled a bit. jack swooped in and grabbed me and caught hans by surprise as  jack flew back to the other side with anna. jack set me down and anna and i embraced.

"i missed you so much." i sniffled. but it wasnt over. hans burst into a tyope of black sand. "pitch" jack stood wide eyed. "yes jack i am the one who did see i need Elsa's power and oh how you got in the way. you and your pathetic love." pitch sneered. jack grabbed my hand and stood in front of me. "you wont be able to keep her safe i am stronger than ever. but elsa. now thats a show. she has more power than i. and can kill me in a heart beat. just imagine how fast she can kill you, if she were on my side." jack sneered and fired at him. but missed as pitch dissoled into the same sand hans was. and the only thing left... was his snicker echoing in the castle.


i threw a plot twist at you guys like a snowball. ;3 oh i cant wait to get to the next chapter. hahahahahah*cough cough* crap. i cant laugh evil.

thanks for reading

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