Chapter 1

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Elsa's p.o.v

I walked up the long stairway to my room. "go get me the mail from the mailbox outside." I pointed to one of the various snow guards I made. He walked away from the side of my door and went outside. I sighed flicking my wrist to close the door.

I breathed in and watched my white breathe surround me. I looked around my room. I had a closet filled with other dresses different from the one I am wearing. the one I'm wearing now is blue and has lace sleeves made from ice and the bottom was silky ice that was formed a high-low with a snow skirt underneath. attached under my arms was a cape made from more ice, and snowflakes.

In the corner of the room was a dresser with a mirror attached. and in front of the window was my bed. which was soft and comfy for ice and snow. along the side of the wall held a nightstand next to my bed with a candle atop of it, and a chair next to a fireplace. what I like most, is this ice won't melt. I made it that way.

A knock came from my door and I flicked my wrist to let my guard in. he handed me the mail and left me to it. I formed a small desk and chair and sat down. opening the letters over the deck I made some snow ink, and a pencil. along with a Popsicle.

Dear Elsa,

I'm sorry I've kept you a secret for so long. I would like to see you and take you back home with me. so we may catch up? I of course will be busy with toys and such, but having you here to meet the other guardians will be grand. Tooth is already excited to have a new 'girlfriend' if you will. and bunny could care less. and no one knows if sandy is excited or not. but I hope I can pick you up tomorrow.


My eyes widened. 'Tomorrow?' I got up and paced back and forth. "oh no. what if I hurt someone? or worse, what if I end up screwing up again and hurt someone and gain hatred with them as I did the villagers. writing him was fine. I couldn't hurt him. but... oh meeting him. that would be such a bittersweet moment." I sighed and hugged myself. "but if I wrote to him saying no... the letter won't reach in time. I have no choice." I looked over my shoulder to my closet. sighing defeated, I made a suitcase of ice and began packing. "Guards!" I yelled.

Two of them ran in the room at war ready. "Calm down, I'm fine. but my father will be coming to get me tomorrow. while I'm gone, let no one come in unless its me. understood?" they saluted and walked off to tell the other guards. I looked out the window and saw that it was dark out. I finished packing and had a guard carry it to the front door.

I crawled into my snow bed and brought my surprisingly warm and soft snow blankets up my body and slowly fell asleep.


Jack's p.o.v

"Attention! I have big news! very big." I turned and looked at sandy who shrugged and looked at north on the otherwise of the dinner table. "I have daughter coming to visit tomorrow. jack and bunny! be on best behavior! I haven't seen my little girl for 19 years. and big surprise is that she wrote to me first. she also controls ice and snow." my face lit up and I smiled wide. "mate. we can't have a little gumby running around and touching everything. she could break something." bunny laughed. "how olds the little ankle biter?"

North scoffed. "she turned 18 two days ago." bunny's laugh died down and my big smile got bigger. "jack stay away from her. No broken heart for her!" north lifted his arms and did a dance. "oh she is so big now! she is pretty too. And those teeth!" tooth squealed while tossing a picture towards me. my jaw nearly dropped. norths daughter was beautiful. she had really pale blonde hair in a side braid and a slender body with a blue dress. she was pale with blue eyes. And she had freckles speckled along her cheeks and nose.

Bunny snatched the photo. "You mean to tell me... that this girl right her, is staying with is? mate. she has trouble written all over her face." bunny tossed the photo to north who hit bunny with his own boomerang. I whipped my face with my hands and smiled. "I'm going to go to bed guys. call me when she gets here.

I left the table. how will I get her to fall in love with me where north wouldn't notice. I sighed and fell into my bed. Falling asleep as my head hit the pillow.

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