chapter 7

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Elsa's p.o.v

i walked up to my crushed snow castle with phillip to my left, and olaf to my right, with my gaurds in the back. i made more on the way to arrendel. "phillip, how did they get past marshmallow?" phillip shrugged unable to answer. i sighed and looked down at arrendel. "phillip. anna is still at the castle right?" phillip nodded.

i sighed and made a snow horse for me and phillip. olaf hopped onto my horse. "we are going to the castle. we need to make sure everyone is safe." i called to my gaurds. they all nodded as we rode off to the kingdom. this is all for anna.

when we finally reached the castle my gaurds barged into the doors.

The castle was rather quiet. It was eerily strange.

"Anna!" I called. my voice echoed through out the castle. "E-Elsa?" a amle voice called up from the stairs. my head jerked up and i couldnt believe my eyes. "Hans!" i held my arms up in attaking position. "" i spoke through clentched teeth. Hans held up his hands. "dear i was so worried." he walked closer to me and i tenced. olaf stood frozen and phillip was waiting for orders, just like the other gaurds. hans was so close i could smell his minty breath. he pulled me into a hug smiling. "oh, i was so worried. i thought you'd never return to me." he pulled back, his hands on my shoulders.

"Hans where is Anna." hans sighed. "it's quite complicated dear."  Hans grabbed my hand pulling it to his chest bringing the rest of me with it. "Anna is a bit ill. she wanted us to get married." i pulled away unable to comprehend what was going on. "she's... ill?" hans nodded. i felt tears fall from my eyes as ice crawled from my feet up the walls to the ceiling. it began to snow inside.

"Elsa. calm down." but i couldn't "is this why everyone is gone?" hans looked confused. "the villagers, is this why they left?" a snowflake fell in my hand and hans understood what i ment. he nodded slowly. "they left and went to the next kingdom over. Anna left with them to get proper medicine. i waited here for you."

he smiled and i pulled him in for a hug. "if our marrige is what Anna wishes. then i accept." i didnt want to because i love jack. but i might not get to go back if this is the case. hans pulled back slightly. "Elsa, just think. we will live together happily. and we will take care of the rest of the kingdom." i smiled at him. anna this is for you is all for you.

jack's p.o.v

i flew over mountains and rivers. all covered in ice. i knew it was Elsa's doing. but when i got to the castle. everyone was gone. and i saw Hans, and Elsa hugging. i clenched my fists and my teeth. "Elsa!" i yelled. elsa turned immediatly. "Jack!" she let go of hans and ran to me.

"you... why... why are you with him!" i sneered. Elsa didnt come close to me. "jack you have to understand my decisions. they are for my sisters health. she is ill and went to the next kingdom to get proper treatment because my powers froze this kingdom." i shook my head. "elsa no. he is most likely lying-" elsa held up a hand stopping me from talking, "thats a chioce i cant take. if its true or not. im not risking my sister." i walked up to her and grabbed her shoulders. "i will make sure your sister is safe so you dont do whatever he wants you to do." i kissed her hard, and flew off to find Elsa's sister and take her home.

i cant and will NOT risk Elsa, the girl i love, to be distroyed by a man who wants power. he may have Elsa fooled. but he only wants her kingdom. and im not okay with that. because he doesnt love her. I do. i clenthed my fists and flew faster. "this is for you Elsa. for us. i will make you happy. even if it kills me."

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