Chapter 2

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Elsa's p.o.v

I woke up and threw my legs over my bed and walked to my closet. I threw my nightgown in my dirty clothes pile, and got out a baby blue dress the came a little above my knees. there was a small ruffle at the hips and atop of my arms connected to my lace sleeves that came to my elbows was a snowflake cape. the ruffle along my waist was made from snow lace. I grabbed my ice heels and put them on my feet.

I flicked my wrist opening my bedroom door and walked out. stopping at the edge of the stair case. I was met by my highest guard, Philip. he held out his arm and I wrapped my arm around it, setting my other hand on his forearm. we walked down the stairs and I looked over at him. "the preparations for my fathers arrival is set yes?" he nodded. "your suitcase is sitting right next to the gates. all the guards know of his arrival, and your porridge and tea are made. the mail is set in its spot, along with your snowman Olaf. he actually wishes to speak to you." I sighed and sat at the table. "yes well thank you Philip." he bowed his head to the side and left me at the table.

"Elsa. good morning. so when your dad comes... may I come as well?" I giggled a bit because Olaf had porridge all over his face and his nose just fell into it. "of course Olaf. I will need a protector and a good friend to keep me company. " he got up and came around the table sticking his... stick... up so I can hug him. I did so and began to look through the mail.

More letters from Anna. she knows why I am up here. I threw them away and began to eat my porridge and drink my tea. Olaf ran off and has been gone for five minutes or so. I looked at the clock and sighed. "Philip!" I called. Philip walked in the room and bowed. "rise. did my father say when he was coming in his recent letter? I could've sworn it did." Philip shook his head. "alright," I sighed, "well go fetch me my wrap please?" Philip nodded and rushed off.

I scooted from the table and walked into the parlor room, and sat down. I thought for a moment. 'Okay. I can do this. so many years locked away and keeping yourself calm and you will meet your father. nothing will stop you. you can handle it.' "conceal don't feel." I whispered. "your majesty! your father is here." Philip ran into the room. I got up quickly and walked into the entry way.

I peeked my head through the door and saw a large man with black trousers and a red shirt. he had a long white beard with tattoos on each arm. one on his right saying naughty and one on his left saying nice. "where is daughter!" his voice boomed in a heavy Russian accent. I opened the door more and breathed in and out. 'you are ready.' "Right here" i held my head high like I did when I was at coronation. the man looked at me and his blue eyes glistened with happiness and hope. "elsa! you so big!" his arms flew up in the air as he ran to me.

My guards immediately jumped in front of me aiming their weapons at him. The man stopped. "It's alright." they hesitantly put their weapons down and stood next to me. I walked up to him and looked into his eyes. his smile was so big and his eyes filled with wonder like a child. I smiled.

He smiled back and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back and almost cried. he set me down gently and took a step back. "you beautiful young lady." I curtsied and smiled. "thank you." he looked around the room and whistled. "Big home. who made this?" I smiled a bit. "me..." he looked at me wide-eyed. "You, very talented." I smiled bigger. "thank you again. so when are we leaving?" he looked at me questionably and then he realized what I was talking about. "ah yes! come! we take you to North Pole!" Philip grabbed my bags and carried them outside. I fallowed behind my father.

"Wow!" I yelled when I saw his sleigh. it was big and red and all technical. I hopped in and took my bags from Philip. "remember no one enters but me while I'm gone." Philip nodded and walked back to the castle, the doors shutting behind him. I sighed and looked at my bags. I unzipped them and Olaf popped out. "Olaf!" I yelled hugging him. my dad turned around and smiled. "who this." I let go of Olaf and looked over at my dad. "my best friend I made when I was little." I kissed Olaf's cheek and zipped up my bags. my dad laughed and started the sleigh.

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