chapter 5

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Elsa's p.o.v
I looked at all the lights and looked up at Jack, '' this is way different than arendelle." Jack smiled at me and lifted me higher. "wait until you meet Jamie." He smiled.I looked down again and was amazed at all the people walking down the street. Jack messed around with me pretending that he would drop me. I laughed and screamed every time, and then threw a snowball at him.

He kissed my cheek and set me down on a pavement. "you'll love Jamie.he is a great kid." Jack smiled while taking my hand and walking me over to the side of the house. Jack picked up a pile of snow and made a snowball, throwing it at the took a few minutes before a tiny boy walked onto his balcony and spotted us." Jack!" The boy whisper-yelled Jack smiled big and then looked at me. "wow." The boy looked at me and smiled."who is she?" The little boy seemed to blush at me. Jack picked me up and flew me up tthe balcony setting me down next to the boy who smiled. "I'm Elsa, queen of arendelle."

The boy laughed and watched jack fly.
"Are you jacks girlfriend?" the boy looked over at me. I felt my cheeks get hot. "no no, I wouldn't say dating. I just.... I don't know what to call it." I started twiddling with my thumbs which I do when I'm embarrassed. jack landed next to Jamie and smiled at me. "Whatcha guys talking about?" Jamie smiled at jack, "I asked if you guys were dating." jack choked on his spit.

"Wh-ehem, what?" jack looked at both of us wide eyed. I started laughing at his expression. I even fell back onto the snow covered wood. I looked up and the boys were looking at me weird.

I sighed. "haven't you seen a girl laugh so hard she fell?" they shook their heads. I groaned and got up dusting myself off. "anyway. no we aren't dating but she is the long lost daughter of north." jack explained. a tug at my heart when he said that.

Jack stood next to me and smirked. "but... we do have the same power." Jamie's eyes twinkled as jack stood so close behind me, cupping my hands in his. "breathe." he whispered in my ear. my breathe was hitched in my throat I can't breathe. Then a spark from our hands and a snowflake appeared in a heart shape with little lace looking engravings in it. I started blushing while looking at the snowflake. who created the shape?

Jack tensed and let me go slowly. he smiled at me and then at Jamie. "I think we better go." jack ruffled Jamie's hair and grabbed my waist hoisting me in the air with him. I waved at Jamie and then looked up at jack. he was starting to blush.


The ride back to my dads was fast and quiet. I didn't like it. jack set me down at the entrance and landed beside me opening the doors. my dad was staring at us with an angry expression. "where were you? where did you go with elsa!?" my dad held jack by the collar, I gripped his arm. "dad, stop! a man came here and I lost my temper. jack brought me to Jamie's to distract me from it!" My dad looked at me and lowered jack slowly. "you, very lucky jack." my dad scowled at him and walked away as bunny and tooth and sandy came into the room.

"What happened with him?" bunny pointed back at my dad who walked into his office. "jack brought me to Jamie's to get my mind off of Hans. when we got back my dad accused him of doing something to me." I looked back at bunny.

Jack grabbed my hand. "promise to keep our relationship secret from him for now? I really like elsa and I would never hurt her. please?" tooth squealed and nodded. sandy made a thumbs up and bunny shrugged. "bunny? please?" I walked up to bunny and scratched behind his ear. His foot started to thump on the ground and then he swatted my hand away. "alright alright. I will do it mate. but only if I can have you help me with my eggs." I giggled and nodded.

I skipped to my room but jack grabbed my hand in the hallway and pinned me to the wall. "elsa. I was wondering if.... you'd be my girlfriend." my heart was pounding so hard. "of course jack." he let me go with a smile on his face and flew to his room where I herd him screaming 'yes I did it!' over and over I giggled and walked into my own room. I pulled back the covers and laid my head on my pillow.

I regretted doing so.

My gosh I didn't know you guys would like it so much ^.^ thank you guys so much. here is your update. and chapter two is being worked on but will be after chapter seven. I don't know how to move them.

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