Raven instantly snapped her head around in slight anger. She hissed at her with her red eyes and yanked her arm out of Star's grip.

She glared at her before her eyes returned to normal, showing no remorse for being so aggressive, she walked away still glaring.

Slightly afraid Starfire backed away.

"Where did they go?" She said in a slight panic.

She looked up to the ops room window and saw three figures staring down at her. She waved and made her way inside.

"What's wrong Star? You look like you've seen a ghost." Robin asked.

"I think Raven needs help."

"Why what's happened?" Beast Boy asked.

"She is....upset with me." She said trying to keep Raven's secret.

"Oh. She'll get over it Star. It seems like she's just in some sort of mood." Cy answered nonchalantly.

"No. She does require help. I cannot say why, because I have sworn to secrecy."

"C'mon Star." Beast Boy threw his hands up in frustration.

"If she needs help then tell us what happening." Robin demands.

"I am afraid she will hurt me. This version of her is quite scary when angered. I have seen it."

"Star, what's happening?" Cy pressed.

"She–" Raven walked in the room.

"What's with the feather? New hair accessory?" Cyborg joked referring to the feather in her hair.

"Ha ha. Very funny. A bird just flew over me dumbass."


"What? Can't take an insult tin man?" She fired back.

"Hey now Raven. Don't go crossing any lines here." Robin stepped in.

"Stay out of this bird boy. Don't go sticking your beak in places it isn't meant to be." She retorted with some sass behind it.

Now Cyborg and Robin were a bit ticked.

She looked at Starfire and saw the worried face she had.

"What?" She thought about it for a second. "You were about to tell them weren't you?"


"I told you not to!" Raven came closer to the four of them.


"What kind of good-for-nothing alien are you if you can't keep a simple secret?!" She fumed.

"Raven, calm down. Your angry and you might say things you can't take back." Beast Boy tried to calm her down.

"Do you wanna know? Fine! I was killing birds and squirrels!! Happy now?!" Her eyes flashed red.

"Seriously Rave, calm down."

"Oh look at Fearless Leader over here! Can't freaking go out without hair gel and still decides to tell people what to do! If any of you haven't noticed, I can crush you if I wanted to! But I haven't because I'm nice!" Her eyes turned to a solid red.  "And if you think I won't don't underestimate me!" She rose off the ground and black, shadowy tentacles started peeping out from under her cloak. The Titans got battle ready even though the didn't plan to hurt her. "What's the matter? Afraid of a little demon?!" She said in a warped and distorted voice.

"Titans! Pin her down!" Robin shouted.

"You think you can beat me?!" She flicked Robin away like he was a fly.

"I will decimate you."

"Dude!" A tentacle came down on Beast Boy. He quickly dodged it by turning into a mouse. He scurried behind a the couch.

Starfire didn't want to fire so she tackled Raven with her strength.

"Get off!!" She pushed Star away to the wall. Cyborg tried to knock her out with choke hold but she easily shook him off. She stopped to take a breath which Beast Boy saw as an opening. He turned into a lion and leaped at her from behind the couch. He roared and Raven's eyes turned back to normal.

"No no no no! Please don't hurt me!" He turned back to a human.

"Rave." He let her go and she sat up.

"I...oh god my head..." She noticed how upset everybody looked and Starfire struggling to get up from the floor. "Oh no. I...it happened again.... I–I'm sorry. It–it wasn't me! I swear!" She was talking in a more scared tone than a defensive one. "It was Trigon! It was him! I swear! I can't control it! I can't control him!"

She quickly got up and helped Starfire up.

Star gave her a smile.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I don't have control over my powers and he takes advantage of that sometimes."

"It's...fine." Robin answered. Raven could tell, without even reading his mind, that it was not fine. Cyborg and Robin were clearly offended and Starfire was holding her shoulder. She looked around frantically at everybody.

She hugged herself and shrank down onto the floor. She hurried her face in her knees and started crying.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry...." As she kept repeating it her body started to glow.

In a small flash she was a tiny infant in a black onesie. Raven looked at herself, realized she was a baby, and started crying.

"Great. Just peachy." Robin groaned.

"Ooh! She is adorable!" Starfire rushed over and scooped the little girl off the floor. The baby cried even more than she was before. "How do we get her to stop crying?"

"Don't give her to me." Robin said raising his arms in the air, clearly still a little angry.

"No. No." They were obviously still agitated.

"I guess I'll take her." Beast Boy offered.

"I suppose she will respond to you better." The other two rolled their eyes.

She handed Raven to him and she stopped crying.

The others were clearly not surprised.

"Look guys, I know this has gotten kind of annoying at this point, but can we just freaking forget that so we can help Raven? She needs it now more than ever now that she is a baby." He says.

"For once he's right. We need to stop whining about stuff and figure out how to get her back to normal." Everybody nodded in agreement. "Now does anybody know how to take care of a baby?"


"I do, but I suppose children with nine stomachs do not function the same way as children with one."

"Ya think?"

Raven laughed and everybody couldn't help but smile. Beast Boy held her by the armpits and looked her in the eyes. They sparkled as the sun set behind him. Raven I know you're in there. I can see it! I can get you back. I just have to make you feel like you.

Her tiny tummy grumbled.

"Anyone got milk?" He asked.

Baby Rae (BBRae fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now