Chapter 38

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-the next day-

Joey's POV

I just got off the phone with Luke. We talked about our Story of My Life cover and the music video that we are shooting for it tomorrow. In the video we are going to have a girl dancing. I told Luke I knew someone who would love to be the dancer in the video. So after we hung up, I went next door to see Caroline. I rang the doorbell and she answered a couple of seconds later.

Caroline: "Joey, you have a key."

Me: "I know, but I like it when you answer the door."

I gave her a quick kiss before walking inside. I followed her to the couch in her living room. We sat down next to each other and I put my arms around her.

Me: "So Luke and I are filming a music video tomorrow and we need a dancer. Wanna be in it?"

She looked at me with her eyes open wide and a smile on her face.

Caroline: "Yes! I would love to!"

Me: "I knew you would."

Caroline: "Thanks for asking me, Joey."

Joey: "No problem."

I took out my phone and played the cover for her. She really liked it.

Me: "You're the story of my life."

Caroline: "And you're mine."

I gave her a kiss on the cheek before I kissed her lips.

-the next day-

Caroline and I are in the car heading to the music video shoot. I'm driving and Caroline is in the passenger seat.

Caroline: "I'm really excited. I've never danced in a music video before."

Me: "Really?"

Caroline: "Nope."

Me: "Well I'm excited to see you dance."

Although I had my eyes on the road, I could tell she was smiling. When we got to the filming location, we saw Luke outside. He was already dressed for the shoot. Me and Caroline went to go talk with him.

Luke: "Hey guys!"

Caroline and I: "Hi!"

Luke: "You guys ready to film?"

Me: "Yeah. We just have to get our stuff from the car."

The three of us walked back to Satsuki and got our bags out of the trunk. Then Luke led us inside of the building to the room we were going to be filming in. Luke pointed to his left.

Luke: "The dressing rooms are over there. Just go through that hall."

Caroline and I found the dressing rooms and changed clothes. She put on a black lace dress and she looked beautiful. I smiled to myself. I'm so lucky to call her mine. After we both finished our hair and Caroline did her makeup, we went back to the other room to begin filming.

Caroline's POV

It's about an hour into the shoot and so far it's going really well. We filmed us sitting on some stools and when I dance a little bit with Luke. I'm dancing with Joey now. The song is playing from a speaker that's next to the director, Andrew. As Joey sings along to the cover, he slowly spins me around and dips me. We do a couple takes of us dancing together before moving on to the next part.

What we filmed next was me dancing. I came up with a couple counts of 8 last night and just improvised the rest. When I finished I got an applause from Joey, Luke, Andrew, and a few other people who were behind the camera.

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