Chapter 22

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Joey's POV

I woke up around 5 AM. I noticed that Caroline wasn't in bed with me. As soon as I looked up I saw her curled up in a ball in one of the corners of the room. Her breaths were heavy, her eyes wide, tears running down her face, and even though I was a couple of feet away from where she was on the floor, I could tell she was shaking. I quickly got out of bed and went over to her. I crouched down next to her and tried to hug her, but she pushed me away.

Caroline: "Too close."

Even her voice was shaky.

Me: "Caroline, what's wrong?"
Caroline: "Panic attack."

She hasn't had a panic attack in months. Her last one was because of Sam. Is this one because of him too?

Me: "I'm going to get you some water, ok?"

She nodded. I stood up and walked a few steps toward the refrigerator that was in the room. I opened the fridge, took out a bottle of water, and went back to Caroline. I sat a few feet away from her. After I opened the bottle, I handed it to her. She tried to drink it but her hands were shaky and most of the water ended up on her. I got up again to go get a towel from the bathroom. I handed her the towel and sat back down in the spot I was in before.

I wish I was able to help her calm down, but I know that there really isn't anything I can do at this point. I need to wait for her to calm herself down.

After sitting in silence for a few minutes, Caroline crawled over to me. I wrapped her in my arms and wiped away some of her tears.

Me: "Better?"
Caroline: "Yes."
Me: "Do you want to sit on the bed and talk?"

She nodded. I stood up and then helped her up. She put her hand in mine as we made our way to the bed. We lay down next to each other. I put my arm around her and she put her head on my chest.

Caroline: "I had a nightmare. It was about Sam. He was at Vidcon and he was abusing me in front of everyone. And nobody stopped him. It brought back a lot of bad memories and feelings."
Me: "Don't worry about Sam. He isn't going to be there. I'll be with you the whole day tomorrow. And if for some reason he is there, I'm not going to let him touch you."
Caroline: "I know."
Me: "We should try to get a few more hours of sleep in."
Caroline: "I'm afraid to go back to sleep though."
Me: "I'll wait for you to fall asleep before I do."
Caroline: "Thank you."

I listened as her breaths became more and more even. I started counting her breaths and eventually I fell asleep.

Caroline's POV

The next time I woke up was around 9. I was in Joey's arms, just like I was when I fell back to sleep. Joey was still sleeping. I sat up and gently rubbed his arm to wake him up.

Me: "Good morning."
Joey: "Did you sleep ok?"
Me: "Yeah."
Joey (smiling) "Good."
Me: "So I heard that the hotel restaurant has a breakfast buffet..."
Joey: "Is there eggs?"
Me: "Maybe. But we won't know until we get there."
Joey: "Lets get dressed then."

We both got out of bed and got dressed. I put on a pair of leggings and a sweater. Then I put my hair up in a bun, put on my glasses. and slipped on a pair of flip-flops. I will have time to change into something nicer and put makeup on later. Joey changed into a pair of skinny jeans, a solid blue shirt, and he put on his red Sperries. He still had his morning hair.

Joey: "Ready?"
Me: "Ready."

I met him by the door and we walked out of the room together. As we walked down the hallway her out his arm around my shoulders, keeping me close to him. I looked at him and smiled. He smiled back.

When we got to the buffet we got our plates and went in line to get our food. I got a bagel, some bacon, and some eggs. Joey got some eggs and some fruit.

After we ate we went back up to our room. Both of us went on our laptops. I had to upload my main channel video. While it was uploading, I checked Instagram on my phone and saw pictures that some fans took at the signing yesterday and tagged me in. I liked as many of them as I could. Then I changed into a nicer outfit and did my hair and makeup.

My outfit that I picked out for today was a navy blue dress, cream leggings, and my black ballet flats. The dress had a cream Peter Pan collar, short sleeves, is cinched at the waist, and it is mid-thigh length. I did my usual makeup routine and I left my hair down. It was still a little bit wavy from yesterday.

Me: "Hey, what time do does Shane's live podcast start?"
Joey: "1:00. But I have to be there at 12:30."

I looked at the time on my phone. 10:15.

Me: "Do you want to text some people and see who wants to come film some collabs?"
Joey: "Sure."

We sent a group text and got replies from Tanya and Jim. They came over shortly after. We did a 4 part truth or dare thing, one part for each of us to upload. We finished filming just in time for when we had to leave for the convention center.

When we got to the convention center I kind of stiffened up, remembering the nightmare I had. Joey must have noticed because he pulled me in for a hug. He kissed my forehead and said:

Joey: "It's ok."

I felt so safe in his strong arms. I kept telling myself 'Nothing is going to happen' as we walked into the building. We went straight to the backstage area of the stage the podcast was at.

Shane: "Oh hell no. Bitch back off of my man!"
Me: "Make me!"
Shane: "Joey, hold my earrings."

He pretended to take off earrings. We got all up in each others faces and started laughing.

Shane: "Lisa's over there if you want to hang out with her."
Me: "Ok, thanks!"

I walked over to Lisa. We haven't seen each other in a while so it was good to see her again. After a while it was time for the podcast to start.

I stayed with Joey backstage until he had to go out. Then I stood with Lisa in the room the podcast was going on in. We watched the podcast together. It was a pretty funny episode.

-after the podcast-

Joey's POV

The podcast went great. When was over it was a little after 2. Caroline and I kind of had to leave right away because we were meeting up with some of the Brits in front of the hotel around 2:15 to leave for Disneyland. We quickly made our way to the parking lot and got in Satsuki. It was a 5 minute drive to the hotel. When we got there, everyone was already outside waiting; Zoe, Louise, Alfie, Caspar, Jim, Tanya, Joe, and Marcus. We all split up into 3 cabs to get there.

Once we were all at Disney we got our park passes and enjoyed the rest of the day together. After about two and a half hours, we all split up for dinner. I walked around with Caroline and eventually we found a restaurant to eat at. We both got some chicken tenders and fries.

Me: "So have you been to Disney before?"
Caroline: "I've actually never been."
Me: "Well what do you think of it?"
Caroline: "It's pretty fun. I like it."
Me: "Just wait until you see the fireworks tonight."

After we ate we decided to get in line for the Ferris wheel. We sat close to each other. I had my arm around her and she had her head on my shoulder. When we stopped at the top we looked into each others eyes and kissed.

When we got off of the Ferris wheel we met back up with the others. We mostly went into the shops until the fireworks started.

The fireworks were amazing, as always. I think Caroline really liked them. She looked so happy when she was watching them.

When we got back to the hotel it was around 10:45. Caroline and I were worn out and decided to go back to our room. We said bye to everyone and headed for the elevators.

Me: "So what did you think of Disneyland?"
Caroline: "It was pretty magical."

We gave each other a kiss as we walked out of the elevator.

Caroline: "Almost as magical as that."

For the rest of the night, we played minecraft together. It was a good day.

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