Chapter 15

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Drake's POV

I wake up with a splitting headache and suddenly remember that Kat's in labor. I jump up and trip over Garrett. "Garrett, wake up!" I yell, shaking him roughly. His eyes fly open and we both rush to the clinic. When we get there, there is a mass of people in the waiting room. Mac greets us, "Alphas! She is right down the hall!" We thank him as we rush to her room and we see her sitting up, holding two tiny bundles in her arms. 

She smiles at us, "Hey there, come meet your children." I move to one side and Garrett moves to the other as we sit on the edge of the bed. The sight of our mate, holding our babies is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Kat hands me a tiny pink bundle before turning and handing Garrett the tiny blue bundle. I look at her tiny face and smile. Her eyes open and bright green eyes stare back at me, my eyes. "Hey there, Princess, I am your Daddy." I coo softly at her. She yawns and closes her eyes, burrowing into me. I look up and stare at Kat with wonder. She smiles gently at me, "They need names." 

I look at Garrett and when our eyes meet, I see so much love. "I would like to name our son Dayton Christopher." Garrett says softly. Kat and I both nod. "It's a wonderful name." Kat says, tears in her eyes. I look down at our daughter, "I would like to name our daughter Juliette Christine." Kat and Drake nod. "They are perfect, just like their fathers." Grace comes in and smiles at all of us. "Kat is doing good and the babies are healthy. As long as there are no complications, you should be able to go home tomorrow. There are some people who would like to say hi, if you are feeling up to it."  

Kat smiles, "Sure, let them in." For the next hour or so, there is a steady stream of visitors. Finally, we stop them so Kat can rest. The next day, we take all three of them home. Irene decided to stay to help Kat with the babies and Kat was thrilled, Mac, not so much. Cuddlesworth chased him through the pack house when he complained. Much to Kat's delight, the babies loved him. 

It has been about two weeks since the twins were born and life has fallen into a good routine. Kat is happy and has bonded with the pack. The Luna ceremony was done about three days after the babies were born, so she is linked with the pack. Kat is in a rush because we have a meeting with the Vamps about a treaty and she doesn't want to be late. 

"ARG! Where in the holy hell is my other earring?" She is on her hands and knees, looking under the dresser. Of course, Garrett and I are simply frozen, staring at her perfect ass that is up in the air. It seems as if it has been forever since we have been able to make love to our mate and I know that I beyond horny. She stands up, triumphantly holding her earring. When she turns to face us, her jaw drops. Then she shakes her head, "Oh no you two don't! I am just as horny as you are, but we don't have time for this, now move your asses." She barks and we both sigh, "This isn't over, Sweetheart." I tell her and she shudders. 

The meeting goes well and we have a strong treaty with the Vamps, thanks to Kat and her people skills. When we get back home, Kat feeds the twins while Garrett and I plan our seduction. "OK, I think we should just strip naked and lay on the bed. When she comes in, we start kissing and then when she can't take it, we pull her in." Garrett says, eyes shining. I laugh, "Simple, yet effective." He nods and we quickly strip and lay down, waiting for our mate. When she opens the door, Garrett grabs my face and kisses me. The scent of her arousal fills the air and the next thing I know, she is naked, in the bed, and her hands are everywhere. 

The next day, Kat is in the kitchen, laying out breakfast. "Morning, Sweetheart." I place a kiss on her temple. She smiles, "I need to go for a run. Do you think that the three of us could let our wolves out?" Garett's voice fills the kitchen, "Of course, Kitten. We would love to run with you." So, after breakfast, we head out for a run. When Kat shifts, she is the most beautiful wolf I have ever seen. She and I are both black, but her fur has a blue shine to it and her eyes are an icy blue. We run and play for about an hour before we head back so that Kat can feed the twins. Today is Saturday, so Garrett and I have the day off and we are more than happy to spend that day with our Mate and babies. 

We are almost to the house when Kat stops, "Rogues, on the southern border." She calls through the mind link and darts off. Garrett and I are hot on her tail. She starts calling out orders to the pack through the pack link, "Get the nonfighting wolves and children into the safe room, we have rogues on the southern border. Warriors, spread out on all the borders to make sure none of them try to slip in while we aren't looking."  There is a collective, "Yes Luna" and they all start to mobilize. "Kat wait, maybe you should go back to the safe room." Garrett calls to her and the look she gives him causes him to shrink back. "I don't want you hurt!" He says softly, but she growls at him. "Our pack needs a strong leader, not one that hides." 

We reach the border and there are about thirty rogues, most in wolf form, but a handful in human form. The leader steps forward. "I want to talk to the Alphas and the Luna." He barks out. Garrett, Kat, and I head to a burrow of clothes and shift back, dressing quickly. Kat strides out, head held high, Garrett and I are right behind her. "What is that you want?" She asks coldly. The leader, A tall, slender man with dark brown hair smirks at her. "You must be the Luna. My name is Claus and my rogues are here to take over your pack." Kat laughs, like hard. "That is too funny, Claus. However, I think you would find it less than possible. You see, this is our pack and we aren't giving it to you." 

Claus snarled at Kat, who growled in response, "Listen, little girl, I will take it by force and I think I will make you my slave."  Kat growls again and he snaps at her, "Disrespect me one more time, whore, and I will kill you." Kat spits right in his face, causing him to lunge at her and the fight was on. Kat ducks his hit and they are circling each other, suddenly, all of the rogues attack. Claus shifts and lunges at Kat, who shifts and takes him to the ground. Garrett is fighting off two rogues and I have two of my own. 

Suddenly, all the rogues turn and run. I look over to see Kat standing over the limp body of Claus. I rush to her, "Are you ok?" She shifts, naked as the day she was born and nods, "I am, he isn't." His throat is torn out. Kat has a few scratches and a bite or two, but they are already healing. "Come on, boys. The babies are probably hungry." Kat tells us before shifting and running to the pack house. I chuckle and we run after her. 

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