Chapter 14

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Kat's POV

Irene is so much fun to have around and I have totally fallen in love with Cuddlesworth, much to Drake and Garrett's dismay. In fact, he is curled up on my rapidly growing stomach. I feel like I have been pregnant forever, but really, it has only been two months. Irene has been working on her spell to make me more werewolf than human, she told me yesterday that she should be done any day now.

"Sweetheart? Where are you?" I hear Drake yell from the foyer. "On the couch, with Cuddlesworth!" I grin as both guys round the couch and roll their eyes at the cute little guy. "It seems that you love that more than us, Kitten." Garrett pouts. I can't help but laugh, "Don't pout, Love. I still love you both, but while you two are gone, Cuddlesworth, well, likes to cuddle." 

"Don't worry, Cuddlesworth can't replace you, silly wolf. Now, it's done and I can do my spell on Kathrine and be out of your hair. She is almost to term." Irene interjects. I look at her, confused. "Irene, I am only about two months pregnant, although my belly is huge, I can't be almost done." She laughs, "My dear, you must learn that sometimes, things don't go the way they are supposed to. Now, come along. We will make you a unique hybrid."  I look at Drake and Garrett and shrug, turning to follow Irene to the woods behind our pack house. 

"OK, now, sit there on the protected circle. Drake, you sit on the north point. Garrett, you sit on the south point. Good, now close your eyes and breathe deeply." Irene begins to chant and I can feel my body begin to heat up. Her chanting grows louder and I start to shake. I feel like tiny needles are puncturing my skin. I hear my bones start to break. I can't control the scream that comes from my mouth. 

"What the fuck? Irene! She's shifting!" I hear Drake's muffled screams. "Stop! You have to stop!" Garrett yells. "I cannot, this is the Moon Goddess' will. She has decided that Kathrine will be a full wolf, don't worry, she will protect the babies." My world starts to go black.

"KAT!" I hear Drake and Garrett scream, then nothing. I feel like I am floating in a sea of darkness, weightless, no light, no sound, no color. I begin to hear muffled voices and feel myself being pulled towards them. "She's been out for a week, Irene. A fucking week." I hear Garrett sigh. "Everything will be fine, I promise. She has a strong heartbeat." I hear Irene soothe and I hear Drake softly crying, "My poor little Sweetheart, please wake up. Please come back to us." 

I fight, hard, to wake up, but it is just out of my reach. I hear Irene, "Come on, you boys need to eat. We will come right back." Garrett protests, "What if she wakes up?" Irene sighs, "I will leave Cuddlesworth here, it's not like he has left her side anyway." Garrett sighs, "Fine, but not for long." I hear them leave and feel Cuddlesworth crawl up next to me on the bed and lay his head on my chest. "Please wake up soon, Kat. I miss you. I miss cuddling together." A slightly deep male voice speaks with a British accent. "You have become my best friend, besides Irene. You are the only person who saw me as more than a giant rat, you saw me as a friend. I miss you." Cuddlesworth? Talking? And he's British? 

The next thing I know, my eyes are wide open and I am face to face with Cuddlesworth. "You talked to me. I heard you speak." I tell him and he nods, "Only certain people can hear animals, even familiars. You have been given a gift." I hug him, "I missed you too, Cuddlesworth. I had no idea you were British." He snorts, "My dear, I have been alive for very long time and have lived all over the world. In fact, I was around for the Ice Age, don't recommend that, it was quite cold." He shivers, making me giggle. "I need to tell them that you are awake, they have been quite worried about you. Also, you and Irene are the only ones that can hear me talk." With that, he hops off the bed and trots out the door.

A few seconds later, Drake, Garrett, Mac, and Irene burst through the door. "Kat, thank the Goddess, you are awake." Drake and Garrett are at my side immediately, kissing my face, tears in their eyes. "Don't ever scare us like that again." Drake sobs and Garrett nods in agreement. "How are you feeling, Dear?" Irene asks gently. I smile at her, "Fine, a bit stiff and a little shocked, but fine." Mac shifts into the room, "Kitty, it's rude to scare folks." He scolds playfully, but I can see the worry in his eyes. 

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