Chapter 8

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Drake's POV

All I can think about all day was Kat and her teasing us this morning. I am so gonna get her for that. Little Minx. "Drake, are we done yet? I want to go home and 'punish' our little mate." Garrett whines as he waltzes into my office. I look at the clock, it's just past five. "I guess. This paperwork can wait until tomorrow. It isn't pressing. Let's go see what trouble our Kitten has gotten herself into now." I chuckle. He flashes me a winning grin and nods. We head out to the truck. 

It seems as if the ride home was painfully slow. Garrett is practically bouncing in his seat. I shake my head at him, I love him so much more than I ever thought I could and my heart is overfull for Kat. I would be nothing without my two funny mates. "I keep texting Kat, but she hasn't answered me." Garrett frowns. "Have you talked to her at all today? I texted her earlier and she answered, but nothing since about three." He nods, "I called her over lunch and the last text was about four." I furrow my brows, "Call her, she should have gotten off work by now." 

I hear the phone go straight to voicemail. "No luck. I don't like this, Drake. I did get an awful headache around five or so, but it passed." I look at him, "Me too." His eyes grow wide, "She's hurt. Good thing I jotted down the address off that card last night." I speed up and head straight to the address. "Mac, Kat may be in trouble, meet us at Joel's office, now."  I link Mac. "I linked Mac, told him to meet us there." Garrett nods, a worried look on his face. 

We reach the office building and I pull into the garage, I see her Range Rover sitting there. "Look, her car." We park next to it,"The engine is cold, she hasn't come out." Garrett says, and we head inside to check with the receptionist. A blonde model looking woman is sitting behind the desk. "Excuse me miss, has Katherine Miller Left for the day?" She looks up and bats her fake eyelashes at us. "Well, hello there. Just let me check." She types something into her computer. "I'm sorry, sir, but no one by that name works here." I growl at her, "Look, I know she came here for work today and her car is parked in the garage, so don't give me that crap. Where is she?" The bitch giggles, "Calm down, handsome. No reason to get upset. If you need a new girlfriend, look no further." She bats her eyelashes again. This time, Garrett and I both growl.

"Look, slut puppy, you are far from our type, so cool it. Our MATE came here this morning for work, she was working for Joel. Her car is parked in the employee parking garage. Now, tell me where she is or I will rip off each and every fake body part you have, got it?" She pales, "Joel hasn't seen anyone today." She says as she flicks her eyes toward the elevators. She mouths, 'top floor'. "Now, if you gentlemen will excuse me, I have to make a phone call." She turns her back and we bolt to the elevators. Mac strolls in the door he sees us and rushes over. 

"We need to hurry." I tell them as the doors open. I hit the 'P' button and the doors close. "What in the hell is going on here?" I ask Mac. He sighs, "I don't know, but Joel is bad news. He has a horrible rep." The doors open to a room that is all windows, with two desks and I can smell Kat's scent. "She was here." I rush over to the glass desk where her scent is strongest and see her purse and shoes laying there. I look in her purse, but her phone is gone. "Maybe she has it on her?" Garrett suggests. "Where is that son of a bitch?" 

"Such language, Drake." I spin and see a man, taller and bigger than me with short brown hair standing in a doorway. "You must be Joel? Where is Kat?" He smiles, but it is a cold evil smile. "I'm sorry, but Kat isn't here right now. You see, she belongs to me now. Her ex-husband gave her to me in exchange for his debt. It was a sweet deal, she is worth so much more." Garrett, Mac and I all growl at him. "Listen, you give us our mate back and we will make your death quick." Garrett grits out and Joel throws his head back and laughs. 

"Torture is my main business. Your threats mean nothing to me." Then he seems to think of something, "Wait, you said mate? You are werewolves?" I smirk, "Garrett and I are the Alphas of this territory. You have made a big mistake in taking our mate. Her ex-husband has no rights to her, give her back now and if even one hair is out of place, I will make you suffer." He pales slightly, "Well, now this complicates things a bit, you see, I have a blood oath from Brad and it cannot be broken. He gave me Kat in exchange for his debt. Her mind, body and soul belong to me." I grab him, "Listen here, ass hat, he cannot make that deal, he doesn't own her." 

"You need to take this up with the boss." I hit him, hard in the face. "Who is your boss and where is he?" He grunts, "She is the Devil. I am a demon, tasked with gathering souls here on earth. Brad's was ripe for the picking but when I met Kat, her's was so pure and she is so beautiful that I fell in love. I begged Lilith to let me have her and she said the only way was for her husband to swear a blood oath. It is done and cannot be undone without her granting a pardon. In order to see her, you are going to have to travel to Hell itself and request an audience." Garrett growls in frustration, "How do we get there?"  Joel groans as Garrett kicks him in the ribs, "There is a portal in the basement." 

With that, we hit the elevators. "Mac, this is going to be bad, go back to the pack house and talk to my parents and the high ranked wolves, let them know what is going on." Mac nods and gets off in the lobby. Garrett and I continue to the basement. I look at him, "I love you, Garrett. I always have and if we don't make it, I want you to know that my life with you has been perfect." He wipes a tear from his eye and throws himself into my arms, kissing me deeply. "I love you too, Drake." He whispers as we pull apart. The doors open and we walk out into a concrete room. There is only one door at the far end of the room. We look at each other and take a deep breath before walking over to it and grabbing the handle. Garrett grips my hand as we walk into total darkness. 

"Welcome, Drake and Garrett. What can I do for you?" A scratchy voice asks from somewhere in front of us. "We need to speak to Lilith, immediately." I tell them. A red glow emits from the floor and walls, around us is a narrow corridor and in front of us is a small demon. He is red with small black horns and dressed in a black tuxedo. "Please, follow me. Lilith will see you." We follow the tiny man for what seems like forever. "She is in the throne room, right through here." 

He points to a door and we thank him before entering a beautiful throne room. The walls are red with some texture and floor is a shiny black onyx. At the other end of the room sits a large black throne and on that throne sits one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. Not prettier than Kat, but still beautiful. She was tall, with a strong, yet thin frame. She had some curves, but her face was perfect, large doe eyes, full red lips, long red hair and a killer smile. 

"Welcome, gentlemen, please, do come in." Her sultry voice calls from her throne. Garrett looks at me and nods, so we walk to her. "We are here-" She laughs, "I know why you are here, Drake and Garrett. I know a lot of things. What I don't know is what you are willing to do to have your mate returned to you." I look at Garrett and then back at her, "Anything. I will do anything to make sure she is safe and happy." She stands up and walks to me, "Anything? What if I wanted to keep you for myself? If I let Garrett and Kat go and kept you, would you do that? Or, what if I wanted to keep Garrett and let Drake and Kat go?" I sigh, "I said I would do anything to keep her safe and make her happy." She smiles, "Let's ask her, shall we?"  She snaps her fingers and a large bubble appears. In the center, is an image of Kat, chained to a wall. A large demon walks in, wearing nothing but a pair of tight black jeans and a sinister smile. "Hello there, Angel tits. I am back. Did you miss me?" She spits in his face and he chuckles, "Temper, temper. Now, that gets you extra lashings. But first, your darling mates have come to attempt to save you. They can see and hear you. Do you have anything to say to them?" 

Her face whips up and it's like she is looking into my eyes, "Run, don't make deals with the devil. I love you both." A tear falls from her eye as the demon laughs and picks up a nasty looking whip. "The mistress won't be happy that you said that, you know she has always wanted a pair of Alphas" He starts to whip her, but she doesn't make a sound, just stands there stoically. "Make it stop." Garrett croaks out. Lilith looks at us and then snaps her fingers, making the bubble disappear. "You see, boys, her husband made a blood oath and those are heavy deals." I growl at her, "He had no right, her divorced her and met his mate, whom he married. She is our mate, fully mated and marked. That is stronger than any marriage, therefore he has no rights to her!" 

"Dear me, that is a problem. Well, then, you have to do something for me and I will release her to you." I eye her, "What?" She smiles, "Bring me, Brad and Candy. The baby should be born by now, I don't have a use for those nasty creatures, do what you want with it but I want Brad and Candy. Do that and all three of you, Garrett, Kat, and yourself are free to go. Fail me and I will keep you all. I like my playthings." I nod, "Fine, we will find them and bring them to you." Her smile widens, "You have twenty-four hours, starting now." She snaps her fingers and we are back at the pack house.

"Mac!" I call out, he comes running. "What happened?" We tell him everything and he pales, "Well, I have bad news, Brad and Candy have disappeared. No one has seen or heard from them in days." 

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