Chapter 12

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Kat's POV

Irene is the funniest woman ever, she is always making me laugh. She is constantly messing with Mac. Yesterday, she made him think he had some kind of incurable disease, he was covered in red spots and running a fever, then, just like that is was gone. He thought he was losing his mind until he figured out it was Irene. 

"Good morning, dear. How did you sleep?" Irene greeted me as I entered the kitchen. She was perched on a stool at the breakfast bar, drinking a hot cup of tea, and reading a very old looking book. I smiled at her, "Just fine, thank you. How are you today?"  She shrugged, " I am an old woman, but I have been reading a few things in my books. Now, I don't think I can change you into a werewolf, but I can give you some of their powers." I grabbed a glass of orange juice and sat next to her, "What do you mean?" She sighs and turns to face me, "We should wait for your men, I don't like repeating myself." I nod.

After twenty minutes of fixing breakfast and laughing at Irene's stories about some of the people she has met, Drake and Garrett drag their asses into the kitchen. She cocks an eyebrow at them, "Well, it's about time that you two lazy dogs got outta bed." I chuckle at her and set plates of food in front of them. "Thanks, sweetheart. This deal we are working on is killing us. We have been knocking heads with the landowner and he is really digging in his heels." Garrett nods in agreement with Drake, "Yeah the guy is being a major pain in the ass." Irene giggles and both men turn to her, questions in their eyes. 

"Oh, you boys are working yourselves to death over nothing, all the man wants is a bit of respect for all the years he has owned the land and reassurance that you are not going to build a shopping mall there." Irene tells them as she sips her tea. I shake my head, "They are building a children's home. I saw the plans the other day, it is a nice place for children who have lost their parents." Irene thinks for a moment, "Maybe you should have Kathrine talk to the man, she could probably sell it better, gentle touch and all." Both guys break in big smiles, "Good idea, we have a meeting with him tomorrow, you can come with us." Drake says. 

"Irene has some news. Irene?" I tell them, anxious about what she meant earlier. She nods, "Right, well, I don't think it would be a good idea to change Kathrine into a wolf, she is a human adult and I don't think her body could handle it, however, I can give her some of the powers of a wolf." She starts and Drake nods, "Like what?" Garrett asks. I am so nervous and excited at this point. "Well, she will have the advanced hearing, eyesight, healing, and slow aging, just like you but she won't have a wolf or be able to shift. She will be what we call a halfling. I have seen a few of them, usually mates to wolves." I am bouncing in my seat, "What do I need to do? What are the risks?" I ask her. She smiles gently, "Well, sometimes, the spell can change you fully. That happens rarely, but it means that your body accepts the Wolf and the Moon Goddess wants you to be a full wolf. I can perform the spell on the full moon, that is when the Moon Goddess is closest and she makes the decision. Human, wolf, or halfling. It's all up to her, but you have to accept her choice. The next full moon is in three nights. I have to gather some items for the spell and you need to prepare yourself." With that, she leaves us. 

I look at the guys and see worry painted all over their faces. "Kitten, I am worried about this." Garrett says and Drake nods, "Me too, I don't want to lose you or the babies." I sigh, "The Moon Goddess isn't so cruel as to give me two mates and two babies, only to take them away from me. Now, we have been together for a little while and I have yet to see your wolves and I would love to, please." I pout and they chuckle. "Alright, outside, Kitten." Garrett stands and grabs my hand, Drake following.

We head out to the backyard, there are a bunch of kids running around with their parents. They wave as we go past them. "We need to formally announce you as Luna to the pack and tell them about the babies. I think we should wait until after the full moon."  Drake pipes up and I nod, "Yes, let's see what happens before we tell them." Garrett snickers, "Kitten, they all know who you are, but the Luna ceremony links you to the pack and lets you join the mind link."  I nod and we reach the tree line. 

"OK, sweetheart. Remember, we won't hurt you. Our wolves love you as much as we do." Drake tells me before kissing my cheek and stepping back. He and Garrett start stripping and I hear what sounds like their bones breaking. Soon, there are two beautiful wolves standing there. One is golden and the other is pure black. Both are the most beautiful creatures I have ever seen. They slowly walk towards me, as soon as they get close, they drop to their belly and crawl forward. I can't help the laugh that bubbles out of my mouth. The golden one, I assume is Drake, cocks his head sideways. I close the distance and run my hand through each of their fur and it is soft. 

I rumble comes from each of them and I giggle. "You guys are truly beautiful and so soft." I kneel down and wrap an arm around each of them, hugging them close. They lay their heads on my shoulder. "That is the cutest thing I have ever seen, I am so glad I got a picture." I hear from behind me and I fall on my butt, causing Garrett to do this wolfy laugh thing.  I playfully glare at him before I turn to see who is talking and see Maury. "Hey, Kitty. I see you got two pet wolves." He chuckles. I pull myself up off the ground and walk over to him, "Actually, I have four. How ya been, Maury?" He smiles, "Good, Mac called me and told me that Irene has been giving him a hard time." I chuckle, "You could say that." I hear the guys shift back and pull their clothes back on.

"Hey, Maury." Drake greets him, shaking his hand. Garrett shakes his hand as well. "So what brings you here and can I get a copy of that picture?" I ask him, grinning. He laughs, "Sure thing, Kitty. I came by to check on you. Mac said you were pretty bad shape the other day. I also hear that you are knocked up." I roll my eyes, "Yes to both." He grins, "Uncle Maury has a nice ring to it. Listen, Kitty, I came to tell you something else. You got Vampires looking for you. I am not sure what they want, but they have been asking around for ya. Now, that Connor fella, he is your best bet in finding out what you need to know." I cock my head, "Why Connor?" He shakes his head, "He's a vamp, kid. A born leech. His Daddy is a good man, I don't know the boy well, except he's your friend. Go talk to him asap." I sigh, " Wolves, demons, witches and now vampires, what a crazy ride."  He chuckles,"I'll text you the picture, what's your cell number?" I give it to him and he leaves.

I look at the guys, "So, to the bar?" They nod and we head out to see Connor. The bar doesn't actually open for a few hours, but Connor lives above it, I lead them up the back stairs to the apartments. I knock on his door and he answers, looking rather rumpled. His eyes widen when he sees me, "Baby girl! How are you?" I laugh, "Funny you should ask." He opens the door wider and ushers us in. I fill him in on all the latest drama with me and he shakes his head. "That's the trouble with love, Darlin. It can be dangerous, but so totally worth it." I chuckle. "I hear there are Vampires looking for me and I was wondering if you knew why." He shakes his head, "No clue, what would they want with you? No offense, but messing with an Alpha's mate is suicide." Both guys nod.

"Hang on, let me make a call, stay here." He tells us as he trots down the hall to his bedroom. A few minutes later, he comes back with a grim look on his face. "It seems your no good piece of shit ex, borrowed money from Alfonzo and has disappeared from the face of the earth. He is looking for anyone who would know where he is and that new wife of his, Candy told them to go to Hell, so you are next on their list." I can't help but laugh. "You don't know how right she is. Ok, where and when can I meet with this Alfonzo. I need to clear this up." 

Connor sighs, "I can set up a meeting, but I don't like it, Chica. He has killed people for less." 

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