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It was his turn to ask, "What?"

"Not the train." The brunette's brown eyes fluttered with moisture. "Just my life."

Taehyung nearly panicked. He could deal with paranoid people worried about train crashes, but he hoped that the man next to him wouldn't start crying. He didn't think he could handle a full-grown man bawling next to him.

He wasn't even supposed to be here—on the train, with this guy, or at this point in his life.

Kim Taehyung usually didn't act on impulse for such big decisions. When it came to his career, every step was carefully planned. Except for this one.

Ever since Taehyung lost his father at eleven years old, he vowed to keep what his father started going. His older brother had done the same thing, and took over the engineering business. Taehyung joined him after he graduated from college.

The firm had struggled since his father's death, and a wavering economy didn't help. But thanks to Taehyung's genius, they created a revolutionary part for making turbines more efficient. It had potential to make millions, so they had hired a patent attorney and spent a fortune to make sure their business would have a future. They had even acquired interest from an investor who could take their engineering firm to a whole new level.

That is, until last Wednesday, when their patent had been denied.

Another firm in Busan had received the approval for the same exact plan, but how? Taehyung had literally discovered it by pure accident.

Their company would have to pay thousands more to get an attorney to fight the ruling—something he couldn't afford to spend. Worse yet, the investor had caught wind of the trouble and threatened to withdraw from the deal if the issue wasn't resolved in a week. The brothers went out to strategize about the case, and after a couple rounds, Jin confessed to having shown the plans to a friend at a conference several years before.

"And who exactly was that friend?"

Jin was slightly embarrassed. "She was some woman I picked up at the hotel bar. Took her to my room, and the next morning, she was gone, as well as my bag, which had a copy of the plans."

"And you didn't tell me?" Taehyung asked, anger growing.

Jin slouched over the table, cradling the glass in his hands. He gave a half-shrug. "They were just a copy, Tae. I didn't think anything of it."

"We have to fight this. We didn't work so hard to file this patent and get an investor just to get it all flushed down the drain because of a one-night stand." Taehyung wasn't willing to give up what he had spent the last half a decade of his life working on. He had spent all his might to make his father's company a success—his personal life, and not to mention, his checkbook. There had to be some way to fight this. There just had to be.

He spent the rest of that week researching everything he could about LSJ Engineering, the firm that filed for the patent two weeks before the Kim brothers. He investigated all three principals of the company, brainstorming what he could possible do. And with six days left before the investor pulled out, Taehyung decided to go to Busan to confront the bastards in person. By a stroke of luck, the third principal, Jeon Seongjin, had a son who was getting married. Taehyung figured he could use the event to catch them off guard.

Jin thought he was absolutely crazy. He even tried to stop Taehyung from going. Despite the fact that his brother was older than Taehyung, he had never invested as much in the company. In spite of his firm skepticism about the non-existent plan, Jin had still driven him to the station. Since the purchase had been made last minute, Taehyung needed that break in first class. It had cost a fair amount, but at least he could relax and have a drink or two while taking the time to figure out a real plan.

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