"Speaking of her she comes right now." He continued.

I turned around and saw a beautiful dark chocolate women with long and full hair. She was tall and well built holding and container of food in her hand.

She walked over to us and kissed Charles on the cheek. "You forgot your dinner on the table in the house. You're gonna need it since you're working late tonight." She said.

He kissed her and told her he'll be with her in a second. He looked over at me. "Like I said I feel like it's just my duty to help." He said.

I smiled at him. "Well thank you...for everything." I replied.

He smiled back. "Just doing my job." He said walking away.

I walked towards Dana room and saw her smiling.

Thank god she was smiling.

"MOLLY." She yelled.

"DANA." I yelled back.

I walked over to her and pulled her in for a hug. "How do you feel?" I asked.

"I feel fine. I'm fine I just wanna know how are the babies." She said.

"Well I was just with the doctor. Want me to go-"

My sentence was interrupted by the door opening. In came Xavier, Aaron, Dana's dad, and Charles.

"Wow it's a party." Xavier said.

We all started to laugh. "Hey Dana how are you?" Charles asked.

"I'm fine. I just want to know how are the girls." She said.

He nodded his head. "I'm sure your friends told you the conditions your babies are in right?" He asked.

She slowly nodded her. "Yea they did. This is all my fault." She said.

"No it's not it's mine. I'm the one that brought the stress on you." Quan said.

"Quan please. I'm the one that brought most of the stress on myself and the girls. You shouldn't blame yourself none of you should, you all were just trying to help me out." Dana said.

Quan facial expression changed. He no longer had that concentrated look on his face but he look more calm down and relax.

"Let's just be happy the babies were able to make it out alive. Now if you follow me I'll show you the room to where the babies are staying. Dana you can sit in the wheelchair and we'll roll you over there." The doctor said.

We followed the doctor out while Dana's dad rolled her out in the wheelchair. "Doctor can I ask you a question?" I said.

"Well I can tell you have the tendency to ask a lot of questions huh?" He asked.

"You got that right. Try taking her out on a surprise date, all she does is ask questions." Rah said.

I glared at him making the doctor chuckle. "I was wondering if you could test me out to see if I'm pregnant or not." I said.

He nodded his head. "Of course. You can follow me to a room after I drop them off to see the babies." He replied.

We continue walking till we reached the department where the babies are kept. We walked till we saw 2 containers with holes in it and wires connected to it.

"Aww somebody get a camera." I said quietly walking towards the babies.

"Already one step ahead of you." Jada replied pulling out her phone.

One baby was sleeping but the other one was wide awake. "Hi mama." I said smiling towards the one that's awake.

She smiled back and started laughing. "She's laughing . That's a good sign right?" I asked the nurse watching me.

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