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This is an important issue that needs to be addressed before I start reviewing OCs again.

Mob mentality (also known as herd mentality).

What is mob mentality you ask? I will simplify it and say that it's when someone has a following and uses that following to attack or harass others.

I LOATHE mob mentality within the critique and ranting community. I do not want any of my readers attacking the person who made an OC (even if my overall opinion of the OC or person is negative). 

Constructive criticism is fine. However, destructive criticism and provocative insults will not be tolerated by me. I will personally message you if I hear of it from the creator and I will make you apologize. 

Look, I understand if Mary Sues make you cringe really hard (Me too) but they are still people. They are human. No one deserves to have death threats being thrown at them or being insulted constantly on a book with their OC in it, especially if they are wanting to improve.

I do not tolerate OC creators harassing my readers when they are giving constructive criticism either. If I hear of it, I will talk to you about it (and probably scold you).


To those of you who want to make OC review books after reading  the reviews in this book, I am glad that I have fostered that spirit within you! However, keep in mind that mob mentality is wrong. Don't. Do. It. Don't be one of those ranters and reviewers. Add a disclaimer.

Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day or night.

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